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Joe Jakes

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  1. Hey everyone- Just thought I'd share a quick still or two of the booth and us on the subway. Thanks again for all the great advice.
  2. Hey thanks for all the great replies. I am working with the writer on other options for this scene. But it basically involves putting many pennies in the tray for a fare(although I am aware this is no longer accurate) and also involves interaction with the two actors and the MTA employee. My thoughts are to shoot the actors in station framing out most of the booth, shooting a cutaway of pennies going into the metal tray(at a separate location. And grabbing a piece of plastic, cutting a hole and faking the silver microphone. Putting the actor portraying the MTA worker behind it. Then putting a piece of green screen material behind the actor and dropping in a 'background plate'. Also, I will likely call MTA, but I don't believe we meet their insurance requirements. Any thoughts on the above process? Thanks!
  3. Hey all I will be directing a short video that has a scene between a subway booth attendant and two actors. Any suggestions for faking this because I can't shoot in the NY subway without a giant insurance policy or two. This is a student film, so I have no money for that. Thanks for any advice.
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