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Batalov Alexander

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Everything posted by Batalov Alexander

  1. NYFA, LAFS or UCLA ??? And tell me plz If I have F-1 student visa, Can I find a job as loader or AC ???
  2. Yes it's my school essay Master posed the task of creating on the screen effect day and night
  3. that's my 1'st work http://vimeo.com/2886531 tech spec's: Fuji 500T old as **(obscenity removed)**, Dmin = 1.16 (Blue) Arri BL 3 Camera Zeiss 2.0*T Lens Standart def telecine from positive copy which made old school printing method Thank's
  4. We shoot night scene with action and fire a few month later And we used Kodak 5219 and Zeiss Master Prime lens with full open aperture 1.3 And had a "gas dimmer" our fires was conncted with gas ballons throw the some thing (like dimmer), and we easy control lighting don't forget reflector's :rolleyes:
  5. Hi ;) I'm a beginner cinematographer. I,m 23 years old. I live in Moscow, Russia. I want to be a good cinematographer, but I don't want to work with Russian Directors, Producers, Actors... They have brain's from 80-90's years. They don't like 2.35... Almost nobody work with Digital Intermidiate May be a few years ago thew grow up, and they will make a good movie's. And what is more, they say: "I spit on picture,To me all the same as it will look on the screen! Good or Worst!"-Director. May be I'm idiot?? But read the American Cinetographer, I see that people in USA, Canada, France, Greate Britain, Spain and other countries, work look like in my dream :blink: I have a certificate of MOSFILM studio (cameraman level)... I was worked as PlayBack, Film Loader, sometimes I work up as 2nd and 1st Asisstant, measure exposure and lighting color balance... (For 1 000-2 000$ per month (a value of MacBook pro 15 in Russia is 3 575$) And know I have many problems with producer cause he detain my cash 4 month. So I want to come to the USA for studying. Please help! What do you think, how to do it Better? ps.: Sorry. I must learn Eng more :rolleyes:
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