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Dennis Goble

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Everything posted by Dennis Goble

  1. First thanks Karl for the response. :lol: No I don't want to reproduce the e4 chemistry. Some of those chemicals look pretty nasty. ;-( What I want to know is will the modern E6 chemistry work with E4 film if I use a prehardner. Lastly second (totally different) question, how well will the standard e6 process work with vnf1 films?
  2. Well I found this. This shows the pre hardening formula. As usual kodak has to make it as complicated as possible. http://www.kodak.com/global/en/professiona...s111/cis111.pdf
  3. Doesn't anyone have any details about the older ME-4 process?
  4. Yes, I know this subject has been beat to death. But I don't think all questions have been answered. I have acquired a roll of Ektachrome 7242. I know this is really ancient stuff i.e. 1960-70. I know this is a ME-4 process or something like that. This process has some sort of a pre hardener before the first developer. This is to prevent the emulsion from turning into jello and falling off due to 100f temps. What I want to know, is it possible to formulate that pre hardener and then use it before E6 chemicals to finish the process? If so does someone have the recipe for that hardener? Also another question along similar lines. Are Ektachrome 7251/2 films VNF-1 films? Is VNF-1 close enough to E6 to work? Will it stand up to the elevated temps? Thanks
  5. On second thought I wouldn't touch any of that film from that link on ebay. From what I have read no lab will process this. If they did the emulsion would fall off and clog their processor and ruin everything. :o Don't touch it. :(
  6. On second thought I wouldn't touch any of that film from that link on ebay. From what I have read no lab will process this. If they did the emulsion would fall off and clog their processor and ruin everything. :o Don't touch it. :(
  7. Thanks John. I'll look up your recommendation. Yes I'll think I'll try a tv lens before I plunk down multi K bucks for a switar
  8. There is some mag stripe on ebay right now. http://cgi.ebay.com/Eastman-Kodak-Ektachro...%3A1%7C294%3A50
  9. There is some on ebay right now. http://cgi.ebay.com/Eastman-Kodak-Ektachro...%3A1%7C294%3A50
  10. Man these are hard to find. What did these people back then play their mag stripe newsreels on anyway? :lol:
  11. I really don't like the bulky look of still slr lenses on a c mount adapter. But would that be a viable alternative?
  12. Thanks for all the input. What lens would you suggest for a for a beginner? I would like to have a zoom instead of a set of primes. I am on a student budget and the camera I have is a rex1. thanks
  13. From time to time you see some good deals on tv C-mount zooms lenses on ebay. Will these lenses work properly on a bolex? Or are these something you should steer away from? I'm talking about the manual iris lenses. Also what is the difference between c-mount and cs-mount? thanks
  14. Thanks Karl I would like to know what camera you have that uses magstripe. Since I don't know of many camera's that record optical I wonder why mag didn't make a hit? Yes, as much as I don't like it a dual system is probably the only way to go. Here is a link to Bell & Howell 16mm projectors http://www.paulivester.com/films/projector/proj_primer.htm
  15. I guess I'll have to reply to my self. :unsure: From what I found an EIKI NST model will play back mag stripe 16mm film. Not sure about dubing. Ok I'm finding Bell and Howell 202 and 302 had magnetic sound. (vacuum tube models)
  16. Can we start a thread listing models and makes of projectors that can play 16mm mag stripe film? Also it would be nice to note if they can dub. Thanks Dennis
  17. Thanks Stephen Yes I can imagine gears and springs spread all over my bench Thanks for the pics. Dennis
  18. I found this picture. How much work and special tools required to get the camera to this point? Or is this just an x-ray view? How many parts will be flying across the bench at this point?
  19. Yes I'm always wary of springs and such popping out. Do you have any pictures of your bolex repairs?
  20. Hi Chris How big is the EL manual file? I have the animato site. Very interesting. They don't show much of the inner workings though. Would be nice to get some pics inside. I am more interested in the spring wind models. Maybe attempt a little repair. Thanks
  21. Anyone want to share your pics from deep inside the bowels of a bolex? :ph34r: Deep inside where no one else has dared to go? :unsure: On another note I am looking for a link to a service manual. Any model. I'll take anything I can get. :rolleyes: Thanks Dennis
  22. Ok, thank you. I will let him know Dennis
  23. Dennis Goble

    Bolex H16

    I know of someone with a model H16 which he thinks was wound too tight. Anyway it will not run now. Anyone know of any secrets to release it? Don't want to damage it but there must be some way to relieve the tension. Thanks Dennis
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