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pierre robichaud

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Posts posted by pierre robichaud

  1. Hi All,

    I'm puzzled by a shot in the Godfather, shot by Gordon Willlis ASC. It is a beautifully modeled shot of the Chief's face when he meets Michael Corleone outside of the hospital-then breaks his jaw. The key is coming from camera left and there is an edge backlight, but I can't figure out how he lit that sliver on the right eye. Is the key just a hair to the right to cause it to spill over the other side? because nose shadow is very hard. Or is it a special? there is no reflection in that eye to give away the source-so a bounce? It seems too bright for that. Any ideas?




  2. I've found drastic inconsistencies with this. One airport will allow you to pass and others will not let you through. I stated the hand check policy and was told by a TSA agent, " I'm not sticking my hand in there. I don't know what you could have in it." I had to stay behind in Newark to go to the nearest FedEx station and have all of our negative sent that way. Most TSA security X-rays state that anything below 800ASA is safe, but as with all other TSA statements I'd take it with a grain of salt. Bottom line is, as others have suggested, be prepared to have it sent out of country prior to your departure.

    good luck!

  3. Hi

    I've been looking for a solution like this for some time. There are several models of the Cybershot. Can you recommend one you've used?





    get a sony cybershot digital still camera and press it against the viewfinder, adjust framing to fill super 8 pr 16mm frame, I leave it a little exposed then lock the camera to the view finder with a clamp! set the sony still to record movie on memory stick for instane play back! works great on my Beaulieu 4008zm2, it your shooting wide gate you can mark the ldc screen on the sony still for 16x9 framing! TRY IT!
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