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pierre robichaud

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  • Occupation
    Camera Operator
  1. Derek Thanks for jumping in! I feel the same way. Not to mention I'm not interested so much in following "fashion." Here is a refined version I found from Schindler's List-Janusz Kominski ASC Oh BTW Derek. The links to your samples were broken. Would love to see what you've found. Best,
  2. Hi Mei Thanks for the example. But, I wouldn't call the original example bad lighting. I think it's very beautiful. It's very stylized. It's an old Hollywood form of highlighting the eyes-very dramatic. Used in noir movies a lot. I'm trying to build on a series of examples. Here is Freddie Young BSC again in Dr. Zhivago when he reteamed with David Lean.
  3. Hi All, I'm always amazed at Lawrence of Arabia. It is stunning. Freddie Young BSC did amazing work and I'm particularly drawn to these types of shots. Anyone have any other examples from films that are well done? Would love to see them.
  4. Ahh. Thanks guys. The single, even illumination across the brow/shadow was actually throwing me off. Makes sense that it would be through something. best
  5. Hi All, I'm puzzled by a shot in the Godfather, shot by Gordon Willlis ASC. It is a beautifully modeled shot of the Chief's face when he meets Michael Corleone outside of the hospital-then breaks his jaw. The key is coming from camera left and there is an edge backlight, but I can't figure out how he lit that sliver on the right eye. Is the key just a hair to the right to cause it to spill over the other side? because nose shadow is very hard. Or is it a special? there is no reflection in that eye to give away the source-so a bounce? It seems too bright for that. Any ideas? Thanks Pierre
  6. I've found drastic inconsistencies with this. One airport will allow you to pass and others will not let you through. I stated the hand check policy and was told by a TSA agent, " I'm not sticking my hand in there. I don't know what you could have in it." I had to stay behind in Newark to go to the nearest FedEx station and have all of our negative sent that way. Most TSA security X-rays state that anything below 800ASA is safe, but as with all other TSA statements I'd take it with a grain of salt. Bottom line is, as others have suggested, be prepared to have it sent out of country prior to your departure. good luck!
  7. Stephen Thanks for this. I went to your blog and will be downloading others. I've created a similar blog for myself, but focused more on color/composition from films/DP's I admire. Yours is much more detailed. Would love to incorporate those types of specs. Great work. Here is the link to my blog. Hope others might find it useful. Pierre http://cronophotography.tumblr.com/
  8. Hi I've been looking for a solution like this for some time. There are several models of the Cybershot. Can you recommend one you've used? Thanks!
  9. These guys created their own called Gelfab http://www.theragplace.com/gelfab.htm
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