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Jim Nelson

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Everything posted by Jim Nelson

  1. Thank you soooooo much for your help. You are all very helpful :)
  2. Hi, I'm quite new at film directing. Can someone please give me some good advice on how to do rehearsals with the actors. For example, do you tell them what their objective is for each scene and do you explain to them each and every beat? or do you let them figure that out on their own? Thanks so much for your help :)
  3. Hi, Can someone please help me out. Does 35mm film have a higher dynamic range than video? And does 35mm have higher dynamic range than 16mm? Thanks for your help :)
  4. Hi, Can someone please help me out. I quite new at this. When you use the 3 point lighting setup, does the fill light always have to be at the eye level of the character or can it be at the same height as the key light? I was told that sometimes actors don't like it when light shines into their eyes, so that's why I'm not sure what height you should place the fill light. Thanks for your help :)
  5. Thank you so much for your help :) You're very helpful.
  6. Thanks so much for your help :) So basically when you select the objects that you want in the frame, you should think about whether they would inform the viewer about the character and it doesn't really matter what color each object is right?? Also can you please help me with my other post softness and brightness of colors? No one has replied yet :( Thanks again so much :)
  7. Thanks for your help :) I'm sorry though I'm still a bit confused :( Must each color in the frame convey a feeling? For example if we have a shot of a messy bedroom, must the colors of each objects convey a feeling?
  8. Can someone please help me out. I know this question may seem a bit silly but I just want to make it clear for me
  9. Hi, Can someone please help me out? Will changing the frame rate have an effect on the exposure? For example, if we go from 24fps to 45fps will we have to change our fstop? Thanks for your help
  10. Hi, I have a question: Must every color in the frame convey a feeling? For example, we have a shot of a man dressed in orange walking in a green forest. Must the orange of the man convey a feeling and must the green of the forest convey a feeling too? Please don't be harsh I'm new at this :) Thanks for you help :)
  11. Hi, Can someone please help me out :) I've learned that bright colors are vibrant and energetic while pastel colors are calm and soothing. I've also learned that blues and greens are calming too. But what if you have a bright blue or a bight green? Would the convey a calming or energetic feeling? Same thing goes for warm colors. I've learned that they are energetic and cheerful but what if we have a pastel red or a pastel orange. Would they convey calmness or energy? This is what's confusing to me. I know that in films it's all based on the context and that you can use any color to convey any emotion as long as you use that color several times. But here I'm talking about photos. Thanks for your help :)
  12. Thank you soooo much. It's now clear to me :) So rhythm is like the structure of the scene isn't it?
  13. What's the difference between rhythm and pace in film?
  14. Hi, Can someone please explain to me simply what rhythm and pace mean in films. Thanks for your help :)
  15. So just to sum up so I understand everything: Handheld camera and smooth camera movement (like the steady cam) can both show franticness, energy, an uncontrollable situation and not knowing what will happen next. Both can make the viewer feel closer to the character by enhancing their feelings. You choose one type of camera movement over another depending on whether you feel it is more appropriate for this particular moment in the scene. Please let me know if this is all correct. Thanks again for all your help :)
  16. Thank you soooo much for your help. Things are a lot more clear :) 1 last question if you don't mind. What do you mean by objective angles and point of view angles? Sorry if this seems a bit silly, but I just want it to be 100% clear :)
  17. The thing that's confusing me is that I keep hearing that smooth camera movement is like looking at the scene from the exterior and not being with the character. That's what's bugging me still :(
  18. Also what I don't understand is that in the same scene (for example in a scene where the characters are being chased), there will be steady cam shots of the characters and handheld shots of the characters. For example in the scene below, when the girl is running, there is smoother shots of her running and hand held shots of her running. I don't understand how the smoother camera shots and how the handheld are different in terms of the feeling they are trying to convey. Again, I'm really sorry to bother you with this :( If I get a clear answer to this question and to the post above, I think it will all be clear to me. Thanks so much everyone.
  19. Thanks for your help :) So basically smoother camera movement like steady cam can also be used to show a subjective point of view right?
  20. Yes that's true but the smooth camera can underline that the character is in control of the situation and at the same time give us the feeling that we don't know what's gonna happen next right? - And since it enhances the character's feelings, can it make us see through the eyes of the character like the hand held camera? Thanks for your help. Things are getting clearer :)
  21. Thanks so much for your help. Things are getting more clear :) I heard that hand held camera makes you involved with the character, in other words you're seeing the world through his eyes. But since steady cam (and other smoother camera work) can enhance the character's feelings, don't they also make you involved with the character (and therefore see the world through his eyes)? My second question is: you said that in the scene with the joker, they used the steady cam to underline that he's in control of the situation. But don't you also get the feeling that you don't know what's gonna happen next even though he's in control? Thank you so much. You are all very helpful :)
  22. But was I correct when I said that "smoother camera movement like the steady cam can enhance the character's emotions, which makes us also feel how they feel"? and which therefore makes us involved with the characters? - My 2nd question is: can it be used to enhance the feeling of an "uncontrollable situation and not knowing what is gonna happen next"? I'm sorry if I'm being a pain, but I just want it to be clear :)
  23. I just want to be sure, cause I'm having doubts whether what I think is true or not :(
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