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Aaron Rainwater

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About Aaron Rainwater

  • Birthday 10/20/1989

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  • Specialties
    Theatre, Film, Music (both playing and listening), Philosophy

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  1. I"m desperately trying to find work over the next month, possibly longer depending on the flexibility of the schedule. I have six years of experience in live theatre with a focus on electrics and i'm trying to get more in film. Although a paying gig would be great, I would probably be open to working for free. Experience is payment enough sometimes. I'd also be interested in loading or basically anything that's available.
  2. I was just contacted by Local 479 and was told that I would be recieving an application for non journeyman status.....problem is, i'm not entirely sure what exactly this means for me. I have a feeling this is kinda broad so i apologize for that, but if anyone has any idea what i might be getting myself into please let me know.
  3. I agree, it is a no brainer. So what would really be helpful is information from anyone that has it about film schools. But to answer your question, I plan on teaching technical theatre when I'm ready to "settle down." However, that time won't come for a very long time. As far as teaching hot girls or geeky guys goes, I imagine i'll be stuck with the geeky guys. But that doesn't really matter considering that by the time I'll be teaching the age gap between myself and my students would be great enough that I wouldn't be thinking about how hot they were.....just saying. But thanks for your advice. I'd be open to hear from you or anyone else that has thoughts on this.
  4. I appreciate the response, but quiting school isn't really an option for me. I am getting 4 years of college totally free, so I feel like not taking advantage of that would just be foolish. Also, I plan to become a teacher one day very far down the road. If I don't have a masters I cannot teach. So I can't quit. I mean sure leaving the world of research papers and what not behind so that I can follow my passion is VERY tempting, but it is, unfortunately, not an option for me. So with that being said, what advice would you give me?
  5. I'm a freshman in college and have a few questions regarding what path I should take in my education. At the moment, I am a Technical Theatre major working on my BFA in that area. For a while now I have been considering doing film rather than live theatre, but only recently decided that film is definitely what I want to do. Today I had a meeting with one of the film teachers at my school to discuss my academic options. He strongly encouraged me to stay in the BFA program for theatre, as he has the same degree along with a BFA in film, but apparently it was his degree in theatre that got him his jobs in film. So I am definitely inclined to go with the BFA. I had hoped that I could double major or minor in film, but I just found out that most of the film classes I would need to take are scheduled for the same times as my theatre classes. So it would appear that unless I want to stay here for much longer than I would like, I have to pick one. What should I do? I plan to be a grip or gaffer so the skills I'm learning on the electrics crew in theatre will definitely benefit me but I would like to find a way to learn how to apply my knowledge of the equipment to film. Also, how important would graduate school be for me, especially if I stick with theatre for my undergrad? And does anyone have suggestions on what schools have good graduate programs in film? I could just really use some advice so if you have it, I'll gladly take it.
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