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Will Green

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Everything posted by Will Green

  1. Dont feel bad about it, we all have setbacks. If everyone gave up when someone first made them feel like an amateur or sacked them or caught them doing something wrong, thered be no people making films. You've got a masters, your intelegent, just learn and never give up. good luck
  2. Hi all, for an upcoming shot Im exploring 3 professional formats and their application: Super 35mm Super 16mm 4K (RED) I am going to endeavor to producer a film showcasing these formats in their most complimentary situations. I'm interested in hearing from you what you've produced on a format that complemented the "look"/ narrative and what you wouldn't ever use to capture a certain style because the format would contest with your goal. Cheers.... Will
  3. Hi all, I am looking at doing a small project that is similar to the 80's milk tray adverts (like the one where the man jumps off a cliff to a boat, some of you may recall them) I've been looking for a stock that will give me a similar look to this old footage. I'm thinking that fuji's newly released Eterna Vivid 500T would give me the high contrast and saturated colour but it has very fine grain for a fast stock and I want as much grain as possible (Im shooting s16) Does anyone have any suggestions? I know there is the option of doing it in post of course. (milk tray adverts are on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0ya5kh4_ZM)
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