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Jeremy Ivan

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  1. Thank you for your reply. That doesn't sound like a bad idea..but I do have a question about processing. You mean that I should just go get it processed at a center? Essentially, do a bit of my own lighting, shoot pictures like I would film, and see how they turn out after being processed?
  2. Oh, I'll add that I'm hoping to apply for an advanced degree (video-based if possible) a few years down the road - but just want to get some experience first. In general, I know what I'm doing in terms of directing and editing - but lighting and cinematography is my Achilles heel. I'd like to change that a bit.
  3. I have a BA in Telecommunications, where I learned editing and field production stuff - but all on HD and standard video - and always either documentary or TV/internet projects; nothing like film/motion picture stuff. As such, I really am clueless when it comes to lenses, filters, film stock, etc. All of our filtering was done in post-production with Final Cut Studio. Where can I learn more about 1) Making video look like film, and 2) Film-specific techniques (like what exactly certain grains do, etc. ? I don't have time or money right now to get a film camera; I am still doing a TV internship - but I can read up on it at least, and do that later on. Are there any good internet resources for this? Thanks!
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