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Joseph laczkoskie

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  • Occupation
    Camera Operator
  1. Thank you for giving me feedback first of all.... and I dont mind you stating what you think b\c thats why I posted it. You got the movie pretty much right, its a purely revengeful movie full of killing and torturing, it doesn't really have a impactful point or any kind of point it just a violent movie lol. It does have some comic relief in it that does make you laugh at times so that is good. This a supense/Thriller so its gonna be nonstop like you see in the trailer. I know that this movie is not going to be for everyone.... but theres is a lot of pple out there that loves this stuff and we got some major contacts tat liking it such as universal label. I just wanted to get started somewhere in the film industry and wanted to move up and I found these pple that were making a movie. .. but thank you again for your feedback
  2. no feed back..... this is my first time at this forum... im really interested what pple thinks
  3. Here's a trailer for our movie we made... its the first movie I ever shot proffesinally beside weddings, I along with the director and another cameraman shot this, so let me know what you think... I hope put this link here right Visit My Website
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