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Jason Oshman

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Everything posted by Jason Oshman

  1. I just bought 6 rolls of 16mm Kodak color film about a week ago on eBay. Unfortunately the camera I bought doesn't seem to be working and I'm contemplating waiting until returning to school at the end of August to use the equipment they have there. My question is: will my rolls of film stay good until then? I have them in the fridge for now. I'm not really sure what the shelf life of the film is unexposed. Will it last for two months in the fridge like that?
  2. No film inside, just the take up spool on the top. I have no idea what could be stopping it from running???
  3. Hello, Hi everyone first of all! This is my first post here so I'd like to say hi; I'm a film student studying at Penn State University and I'm really into animation. /end intro :P Anyway, I just bought my own 16mm camera on eBay very similar to the model we used at school (I really liked it so I bought one :P). It is a Bolex H-16 and that is about all I know (sorry, I'm still quite new). Here is a link to the eBay auction which will give you about as much information as I can provide on the camera: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...alenotsupported Basically I took it out of the case, cranked it up and it ran for a few seconds. I cranked it again and pressed the button again but nothing happened. It's fully cranked and no matter what knob I turn or lever I switch nothing will make it run. I have no idea what could possibly cause it to do that being that I'm still relatively unfamiliar with the camera. Is it broken or am I just making a simple noobie mistake somewhere? Thanks. Bowserstein Jason
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