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Duran Levinson

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Everything posted by Duran Levinson

  1. I am studying cinematography and for a trailer we had to shoot i risked shooting on out school's Bolex H16. I love the look it gave but the small viewfinder was a huge problem. I measured focus for all shots and many of them looked soft to me in the viewfinder. At the end of the day when the sun was dying I was getting rushed and manually focused the final shot with my eye. BAD IDEA. But it was a good experience. I have already shot the film with lots more Bolex footage and it came out great. Here's the trailer on Facebook. And it is only the 2nd time I have shot on film. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/video/video.php?v=380521311929&oid=324180968934 Duran
  2. How many stops will a doubler take off? I am using one tomorrow with some Zeiss prime lenses. D
  3. Interesting. I checked out that manual and i live in SA, so we use 50Hz. I have my first "semi-decent" graduation film coming up and i want to shoot with a Bolex H16 for some interior shots. Can you change to any shutter angle and still not get flicker from Kino's and HMI's? And what about shooting high speed on S16, if i want to go over 100fps? And any suggestions about shutter angles. Cheers
  4. Thanks so much! The website says it is under construction though :( Another filter question: I also have a montage scene in which I want a very olden feel, i know tobacco filters and antique suede filters work well for this but i also want to have soft blown out highlights. I am interested in blowing out highlights. Can you recommend any filters to check out. I also have the option of shooting the montage on a Bolex so i can play around with the shutter angle, but then how would i create that olden style feel without 4x4 filters? Cheers
  5. Hey! I am shooting an experimental student film next month and I want to achieve a blue semi-desaturated look for my interior. Can anyone recommend any filters, I checked out Storm blue filters and thought it would be good in conjunction with 7219 but I am worried about one factor. My film has no red in it, and I want to stray away from orange lighting, i want soft, cold lighting. Any recommendations will be great Thanks
  6. Hi I am a cinematography student in South-Africa and I am shooting my first proper student film in 1 months time. We are allowed 2 cans of film stock for free so I ordered Vision 3 500T and 250D to play it safe. My film is an experimental horror and mainly takes place in a house. I will be shooting it on Super16. My question is this: I want to achieve a very desaturated blue/ green overall look for the interior of the house, since there is NO red in our film whatsoever. I am not sure what film stock would work best for this interior. We are given a couple of blondes and redheads, as well as some HMI's (2.5, 4, 6K) to use. Basically want to recreate the look of the new Sherlock Homes film for my interiors. I also have to option of renting some storm blue filters, but I am not sure what will look best with what film stock. We also don't get time or extra film stock to do tests, so I am a little worried. Any help would be appreciated. Duran
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