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Jon Wood

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  1. youtube link is probably a little better
  2. Okay, so I tried some Color Negative Vision2 200T, Color Negative Vision3 500T, Ektachrome 100D, and Velvia Reversal 50Din my eBay untested $85 Canon 814 Auto Zoom. You can view/download a two minute video of the results here http://gallery.me.com/ckolony#100009&v...black&sel=0 . The video changes film in the order above. You can easily tell the change from the high speed to low speed stock. Apologizes for the somewhat poor video quality. I'm still trying to get Final Cut Express and iMovie to play nice. Overall, I was impressed that the camera worked, and all the film stock seemed to work nicely with the various light conditions, especially in the low light. There is some jitter in the 100D and 50D pieces. I think I need to pay more attention to how I load the cartridges. Any advice on ways to reduce this would be appreciated.
  3. Could you explain how to cut a filter notch in the 500T cartridge? I've seen several people talk about it, but no explanation on how to do it correctly. The lowest light setting I'll have is inside a dark music venue with lots of colorful lights on stage. I'm interested to see how that turns out.
  4. The 814 Auto Zoom which I have doesn't have that feature - I think that's only on the 814 XL-S
  5. Why does the shutter speed change depending on whether the CCA filter is engaged in the 814? Thanks for the help, by the way, this is extremely useful.
  6. What i mean is, how do I transfer the light reading from my dlsr into the right exposure settings for the different film speeds in the 814?
  7. So where should I set the meter on the 814 from 'C' to 'O' for the different light settings? Any ideas on how that matches up?
  8. Hi. I'm new to film, so sorry in advance for some basic questions. I just bought a Canon 814 AZ which I'll be doing some test shooting with in the near future. If all goes well, I'm hoping to shoot a short film in a couple of months. As part of my test, I was planning on getting several different types of film, and shooting them all in several different lighting conditions. Basically, I'm trying to figure out which films I like better for which lighting situations. I want to be able film in bright outdoor light, low outdoor, inside a car, and inside a dark music venue - so basically every possible lighting condition. I'd like to be able to use as few types of film as possible. I was planning on trying the Ektachrome 100D, Velvia Reversal 50D, Color Negative Vision3 500T, and the Color Reversal 7280 Ektachrome 64T. My plan was to test six identical different lightning conditions for each types of film in order to figure out which film I want to each for each situation. Okay, so here are my questions. 1) Can you hot swap Super 8 tape? So can I film for thirty seconds, switch out the cartridge, film for another thirty seconds, and then switch back to the first cartridge? If so, do you need to do anything special to stop the partially exposed film from getting exposed during the swtich? Do you lose a few frames during the switch? 2) The manual says that the 814 will accept tungsten 25-250 and daylight 16-160. I plan on using the auto exposure and the built in light meter. Will the 500T work? - I saw the post about breaking off the tab - not sure what this means. For the other films, is there anything special I should try to get them looking there best in the different lighting situations? Should I not even bother trying to test the 500T in daylight? And vice-versa, should I not bother to test the 50D in a dark venue? I know these are very broad questions. I'd love to be able to get these four cartridges back and have some good reference points so that I can shoot this project and not end up with a dozen rolls of junk. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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