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Jim MacGregor

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  1. Thank you for your in-depth review. You are absolutely right about the cost differential. I paid $75,000 in 1970 dollars for the Ikigama, and $650 deflated $s for the palmcorder. I can live with the lens clarity and low-level noise, as a travelogue is only a few steps up from a home movie. What I can't live with is the unstable camera moves (which I suspect are more the fault of the editing software, since the playback is silky-smooth on the camera). Still shots are sharp and clear, but the quality goes in the tank on pans and tilts. My editor defaults to de-interlacing, but all I see are interlaced blurs on any camera moves. I'm going to try adding interpolation to those segments and see if it helps. Thanks for your valued input, Jim
  2. I've been lured out of retirement by the amazing resolution of Blu-ray technology. My first camera back in the 70's was an Ikigami 3 tube camera which we worked to death producing training videos and 1,000's of TV spots, but my Hitachi palmcorder runs rings around the Iki in terms of color and resolution. My question is... "am I the only one naive enough to think it can be done successfully"? I am producing a travelogue on El Valle de Anton, a mountain community situated in an extinct volcano crater in Panama.
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