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Hira Manek

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Everything posted by Hira Manek

  1. Thanks so much for the help, everyone! We are exploring all these options now and doing tests. I think some kinda solar rig and many batteries as backup is going to be our saving grace. Adrian, did the solar backpacks save you from those 3 days of blackout? Were they enough to charge your cameras too? Thanks again, all. Any other ideas still appreciated!
  2. Hi, I landed a job as a cameraman on a shoot in West Africa, not only in a country that lacks a reliable power infrastructure, but in islands off the coast, where power does not exist. We are there for a month and need to find a way to be able to shoot. 1. We are debating on what kind of camera to bring. I've been informed through friends that a card-based camera would conserve more power than a tape-based, due to lack of motor. However, we'd then need a barebones laptop rig to transfer the cards. Which would be more power conservative? 2. Can someone offer suggestions on specific products/solutions for charging our batteries? The budget is not unlimited -- after all, this is a documentary. A reasonably-priced/reasonably-sized solar suitcase with enough power to charge overnight? A kinetic-powered outlet? Disposable batteries? Portable generator with an easy way to transport gasoline? We have a crew of only a few people, so weight is an issue as well. There has to be some solution. All ideas very welcome. Thanks!
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