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Ayahuasco da Gama

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Everything posted by Ayahuasco da Gama

  1. Hi, everyone. Greatly requiring your assistance to decide whether I would be able to pursue a career in film industry. At the moment I'm a third year business administration student, but my life is more and more attracted towards arts and creative sphere. For some time I considered a career in advertising, but now I get more dissapointed in it in general. And as I'm a vegetarian, I wouldn't like to promote meat, alcohol as well, useless coca- cola and similar stuff. I have a deep interest in all kinds of design, photography, architecture, fashion, and art in general. What I still like about advertising, are high-end, beautiful and artistic commercials of perfume, fashion brands, some cars, jewellery. Like those of Bruno Aveillan, Erica Herbert. Especially I like Aveillan's ads for MaxMara and Lexus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL8ItSUSQ9A and Erica's for Breil this ad for Lamborghini also is cool here and there Some moments of them are just mesmering and captivating. But I feel that it could be done better, at least in my imagination I can conjure more exquisite and beatiful worlds. Sometimes I have a very strong desire to do something like that and to express my vision of beauty. And I have a lot of ideas and visual images. So the question is, is that possible without formal education in filmmaking to become a director gradually, to work in the field of commercials for luxury brands? How can it be achieved? What matters in this industry, talent and imagination or technical skills, recognition etc? Is it highly competitive? Who succeed there and why? Is it possible to be fastidious and work only for projects you like, or is it a struggle for each client? Probably in cinematography there 're some more fields except commercials (music videos seem to me a bit different) where the expression of beauty and aesthetics is possible? Sorry if these questions are too simple for a professional community. P.S. One more cool film illustrating beauty of architecture http://vimeo.com/7809605
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