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Lisette Garza

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  1. We are shooting of fuji 250d, and want to add some warmth to our look. Since the house is surrounded by windows, our indoor scenes will be lit with HMIs to assimilate daylight coming into the house . I really like the way the straw filter looks when i look through it, but I've been doing some research online and found that the straw filter converts daylight temp to Tungsten. Is this true for all Straw filters ??? My other question is how do you determine what filter # to get like if I want coral is the difference in number correspond with the f-stop I'm going for??? And in relevance to that last question...If I want to use a coral filter for outdoor and want to keep the look consistent for indoors yet still be able to have a slightly different feel than outside, do you recommend that I just change the number of the filter ???? Thanks Lisette
  2. I am about to shoot a student film in a couple of weeks and we are planning to use the fuji 250D stock...I was wondering if there are any films out there that anyone could think of that have been shot on this stock. Thanks.
  3. Thanks you all.... Well, the director has changed his mind and our casting has changed as well. Now we are looking at blowing out the almost bleached rocks for this we are considered a Sepia 1 shooting at an 11 with a 16 reading we are also considering using a black promist to give a little luminance to the sky.... What do you all think of that..... We are film students so i guess we are experimenting.
  4. Hey you all, I am currently planning to help a friend shoot his film we found this amazing location. It is mostly rocks so tan, very light, i guess the color is that of sand. Well we are looking to shoot on fuji 64d and want to add a little bit more color make the sandy tone a bit darker even a hint of red-brown, but subtle. We are considering the tobacco filter because the characters are Mexican-American as well.... Do you all recommend anything else.... Suggestions?
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