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Doug Emmett

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  1. Thank you Mr. Pytlak for your response. I'm familiar with what the Look Manager system offers and it does offer many practical pre & post solutions, but the real need is on set. Specifically, I'm interested in the Nikon D70's ability to replicate or approximate an image very close to what the Vision stocks produce in terms of latitude/contrast. I'm afraid that without the software and the laptop on location, I won't be able to use the Look Manager system and i'll be right back where I started. Is the polaroid B&W image still a closer approximation, or does it rival the D70 and other high-end digital SLRs? Additionally, I've found the D70 to similar in its latitude characteristics to portra 400 VC 35mm negative prints, with exceptions. It has more detail in the shadows but it's also quicker to lose detail in over exposed hot spots. Has anyone compared digital stills to actual Kodak vision stock prints or tellecined transfers?
  2. I'm curious if any DP's have switched from using Polaroid cameras to using digital cameras on set in order to get a good idea of the contrast of their scene. I own a Nikon D70 and would prefer to use this on set to gauge the contrast of my scene instead of going out and buying an expensive Polaroid camera. Has anyone compared digital stills taken on set to actual kodak vision stocks in terms of latitude and contrast???
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