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Everything posted by PaulIVX

  1. PaulIVX

    weird question

    yes, I am a super 8 film maker, but since expenses are running up quite high, I am considering working with video (as well) (hire, buy, lend). I am posting this question here, since I want to continue filmmaking in the same spirit as I was with super 8 (everything manual, DOF calculating, manualy measuring exposure etc). Which video camera works the best for this? this is my question (under 2 or 3k range in price). Any books recommended on this subject? Best regards Paul
  2. I have some jittery film back from the lab. Now I want to stabilize it in post digitally. What is the best way to do it? With Motion I can see a slight loss of sharpness. Is there any better program to do this? Which one? I am using an Imac. Best regards Paul
  3. Hello Robert, Eddy wrote a program for me, for stabilizing. I've done it my self with that program and when having difficulties, he always helped me a lot. All for free. He likes helping. So if you are having problems with stabilizing, jus ask him. I think working with the grey card should be fine. I would still recomment making a test film though, with one thirds of a stop over and underexposing, so you will know your camera well. Maybe you do already. good luck with shooting Robert! Paul
  4. Here is a video of super 8 trix I shot; it's quite stable, most after digital satbilizing in post: http://vimeo.com/11134721 Dit you make a test film?; it's worth it. I found out my Nizo has to open one stop extra for compensating the glass and the prism; but that's only for when working with an external meter. Paul
  5. PaulIVX


    I am interested in finding a good library with sound samples, like footsteps, birds etc. Just daily natural things mainly. Can anyone advice me, which and where to buy? Thanks, Paul
  6. PaulIVX

    nizo 6080 Nizo

    I vaguely remember that when using rechargable batteries for the Nizo 6080, I had to watch out for a specific type or else the camera wouldn't run smoothly or the lightmeter wouldn't work properly. Can some one help me with this? thanks Paul
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  8. I will be making three short films, and combine them in to one. There will be some weeks in between recording them. Now, my question is, how long can I keep exposed film. I want to sent them all at once to the lab to save costs, so I have to keep some of the films in the drawer before sending them off. best regards Paul
  9. Thanks, I decided to go with the 50D. From a test film I found out that I need to go down 2/3 stops. So I will expose it on 32 or 25 asa. I think that will do. greetings Paul
  10. Hi Does anyone have experience with using Vision 3, 500T, with conversionfilter of course. I read that the vison 2 was dissapointing in daylight (with conversion filter 85B). Can you tell me about your experience. best regards Paul
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