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Deji Joseph

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Everything posted by Deji Joseph

  1. I'm using a Canon 17-55m for a short, its breathing when focus pulling is pretty noticeable. To counter this i'm shooting at F4 so we don't have to pull as much. Any other tips? Regards Dj
  2. I did runner work for a really low budget spoof/exploitation film the other day (straight to DVD/bluray), but i had a chance to talk to the camera crew. They were using two 5d mark IIs, CPZ primes, Canon primes. . The lights were 2 Kino flows and two LED panels. We had really poor lighting so we mostly shot vide open at T2.1 ISO 640. During the shoot the DOP and I were discussing and he said he would rather have a RED if they had more budget. I replied that i would rather more lights so we could stop down, apparently that wasn't a good answer, but I'm sticking to it. Which would you chose? DJ
  3. I am currently doing a bunch of small projects in order to help build my portfolio. I decided to invest in some low budget continuous lighting kit, reasoning that Its smarter to rent for more serious projects instead. So Im currently looking at 2x125 Lights with soft boxes http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Photography-Studio-Continuous-lighting-soft-light-kit-/170646641047?pt=UK_Photography_StudioEquipment_RL&hash=item27bb551997#ht_3535wt_907 Knock off red head kit getting it with soft boxes http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/800W-Red-Head-video-Dimmer-Lighting-Lamp-ianiro-arri-/120749606474?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c1d3cc64a#ht_6282wt_1141 Is this a good idea? Dj
  4. I recently graduated and was offered an unpaid position as cinematographer for a short film, shot over two days in London. The producer has sent me the script and has asked if i could use a "HD Camera". That phrase has scared me senseless, it gives me the impression he may not know what he is doing or talking about, but i might just be panicking. Anyway this is my first shoot with a third party who i have had no contact with before hand. I was wondering what questions and requests I should ask him and the director before we begin shooting? PS its an expenses only gig and I have been giving a copy of the script My ideas was 1. What is this "HD camera" 2. Can i do a screen test 3. Describe what look you are going for 4. How much lighting gear can you provide 5. How much improvisation or blocking will be done 6. Is there a shot list 7. Is the camera locked off/panning and tilting/Tripod only/shoulder or steadicam 8. How important is the lighting to the final product
  5. I was shooting video at 1/50th, 25fps at F4. Im thinking of using getting a Vari-ND now but I am not sure if it wont vignette at 17mm with a UV, Polar and Vari-Nd on the front element. I'm using a 7D by the way
  6. I'm shooting with a DSLR in bright sunny weather. I did a test the other day using an ND 8 and ISO 100 and found my shots still over exposed. What ND would you recommend? Cheers Dj
  7. Just signed up, you also a member? dj
  8. Thanks Marcus, I will look into that Regards Dj
  9. I was wondering if anyone knows a website, forum or group where I can find fellow film collaborators that are willing to work for low or no pay on an ultra low budget short film. Regards Dj
  10. I am prepping for a 5 minute student short film with a budget of £100 for lighting gear. Most of the action takes place outside so I am using a reflector, I was considering using frames and diffusion fabric but we have decided to shoot without them. For indoor scenes i was considering purchasing a sub 500 watts work light like http://www.amazon.co.uk/Kingavon-BB-HL103-Portable-Class-Halogen/dp/B000FTAFW4/ref=sr_1_14?s=diy&ie=UTF8&qid=1310061323&sr=1-14 I was wondering if i anyone has any suggestions on a suitable low cost reflective material, a possible stand for it and a way of controlling spill. Thanks Dj
  11. Im currently working on a montage sequence for a boy meets girl short film to show the development of their relationship, I have done a few searches online but i'm trying to get as many suggestions as possible, then cut them down. So far I have a Park bench, riverside sitting, picnic, boat trip down a river, lying in bed, walking hand in hand, walking with hands in each others pockets, cinema trip, watching the stars, cuddling, resting heads on each others shoulders. Please fell free to add if you have anymore suggestions. Dj
  12. I Have a Canon 7D and a shoulder mounted rig. For my next project I need more fluid more and was thinking of investing in a stabilized Rig I recently found the Flycam nano and was thinking of getting it with the brace instead of a glidecam. If anyone had any reservations or suggestions for better kit, it would be appreciated. By the way, i am based in the UK http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-DSLR-flycam-Nano-arm-brace-EOS7D-t2i-gh1-5d-d90-xl1-/270773404534?pt=AU_Cameras_Photographic_Accessories&hash=item3f0b5a4376#ht_5211wt_924 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Glidecam-4000-Pro-Handheld-Stabiliser-Instructions-/130537330815?pt=UK_Tripods_Heads_Stablisers&hash=item1e64a1987f#ht_500wt_1156 From what i've seen online the flycam is light and tends to wobble
  13. I'm Having trouble looking up 4 x boards, can you suggest a model or make please? DJ
  14. In order to soften the light by creating a larger source I have decided to setup a red head about a foot from the floor, on a stand, facing upwards. the light is then bounce of a rigged large panel reflector. 1. Is this a fire hazard? i.e will the reflector burn? and if it is a possibility how do i find out if they can take the heat 2. Do you think this setup is a good idea? i don't have access to soft boxes and chimera at the moment 3. I could blast the light through a lighting net made up of silk. will this be effective at softening the light? Your opinions are welcomed Dj
  15. From your experience, what are your general shooting ratios for Short and Feature films, Music videos Corporates and Web media?
  16. Sorry about the wording, I was shooting with a Canon 7D which has a similar sized sensor at F2.8 with a 17-55 zoom and cropping to 2.35 in post, but found the depth to be too shallow and was wondering what others used. I found for decent DOF 4-5.6 was a good range. would you agree with this?
  17. What F-stops and Focal lengths do you tend to use for coverage? Please list the shot type, focal length and aperture
  18. I made one back up of the original H.264 footage, but lost all the Proress, so i had to transcode again
  19. I have a 7D, MacBook Pro and shoot pretty often. I normally transcoded to ProRess, then backup the originals. I would then work with the Proress from a Firewire external hard drive. However this recently failed and i lost all the work. I was wondering what everyone else's storage solutions and work flows are like for digital media and if they have any tips?
  20. Thanks for replying David. From what I've noticed there aren't many background objects in the dead space unless they are metaphors, should I follow this?
  21. Yesterday I went for Phillip blooms dslr meet up in london and I took my 7d with me. I recently purchased a gas removable LCD cover and have put a 2.35 aspect ratioed mask on it. I decided to test it by documenting the meet up. Immediately the framing seemed foreign to me. Maybe because I have only shoot 1.78 for the last three years. When I got home I got some frame graves off the Internet and noticed the framing is very different e.g a headshot Normally has eyes a third down with the top of the head cut off and space between the chin and the screen edge. I was wondering if there are any other guidelines for coverage in 2.35? Also from my experience high shots make the character seem fragile and low shots imply domination with Dutch angles highlighting discourse. Any other was I can show relationship between two characters by framing?
  22. So far the only ways i know how to create a soft source of light are using a soft box, an LED array or a reflector. Recently i read you can use scrim as well, but from experience i believe it only reduces the intensity of the light source. Am I wrong and are there any other methods?
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