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Brian Hulnick

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Posts posted by Brian Hulnick

  1. THIS!!!


    Spot on John!


    This is soooo much the mystery for me. I know that Ridley has been putting a lot of stuff into production lately in the hope that more projects would reach fruition. Often projects start up and don't go anywhere, even for Ridley but I kind of assumed that this was part of an effort to leave a lagacy of great works after he was gone but...


    Ridley talks a lot about not doing anything to upset the studios. He seems waaaay more concerned about this than far less successful directors. I find it odd as he is one of the most powerful people in the British film industry. He has a significant interest in Shepperton studios and must surely have made enough money to fund his own films.


    None of it really makes sense. I can only think that over time he must have become trapped in a certain way of thinking.


    I can't believe he is doing it for the money, I mean is he saving up for a jewel lined coffin or a pyramid to be built in his honor or something?


    I think it's odd to compromise the work heavily to appease the studios.







    He used to have a reputation of taking no shite from studios and getting his own way. Maybe he is getting mellow in his old age.

  2. death-of-dvd.gif


    Blu-ray is continuing to rise. Whilst I personally think Digital copies are a waste, they can be helpful to mothers with kids who have an Ipod or computer. DVD's is a mixed point. It's obviously there to appease the die hard DVD fans but it merely adds cost to a Blu-ray set. I am purposefully trying to get rid of my DVD collection (700) and replace with Blu-ray (500 so far) yet they keep putting in DVD's that I really don't need or want.

  3. I've been a bit lukewarm towards 3D in cinemas, however I have decided when I do upgrade my projector (in 6-8 months) I will opt for a 3D model. Will probably go for an Epson or possibly a Panasonic. Maybe 3D will be more satisfying at home. I already have quite a few 3D movies at home from combo packs.

  4. I believe that all studios should release 2 versions of each movie (initially) one as a Blu-ray only and one with added DVD/ Digital Copy. A 2 tier system. Firstly it gives consumers a choice of whether they actually want a DVD/DC and secondly, if sales of the BD/DVD/DC drop off the studios know to release BD only.

    I'd rather pay $5 less and not get a pointless DVD.

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