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John Hooper

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  1. It's been a while since I shot film....and I don't have the time or money to shoot any tests, so some advice would be much appreciated. Likely shooting mainly 5219 and possibly some 5213. In your opinion (and I know everyone will differ), how do these stocks handle? Specifically, how many stops over and under are usable? Or how many stops over and under would you place your highlights/shadows? Does this Zone system definition come pretty close? I would expect a couple more stops in the highlights, maybe between zones 7 and 9? 0 Pure black I Near black, with slight tonality but no texture II Textured black; the darkest part of the image in which slight detail is recorded III Average dark materials and low values showing adequate texture IV Average dark foliage, dark stone, or landscape shadows V Middle gray: clear north sky; dark skin, average weathered wood VI Average Caucasian skin; light stone; shadows on snow in sunlit landscapes VII Very light skin; shadows in snow with acute side lighting VIII Lightest tone with texture: textured snow IX Slight tone without texture; glaring snow X Pure white: light sources and specular reflections Any tips most appreciated.
  2. Hi, I'm a DOP been shooting 5 years or so across all disciplines but trying to focus on narrative drama. I've shot a couple of very low budget features on HD or RED and have been on bigger 35mm film sets in lower capacities. I've shot some s16mm but no 35mm. I always operate myself. I need some advice now though, as at the end of the year I start my first job as a Camera Operator on a 35mm feature shooting in the UK, with an experienced DOP. I need some advice on how to be a good camera operator for someone else. Any tips? Also, I understand the roles of DOP and assistant much better than the camera operator role. As Camera Op how much am I expected to be involved in pre-production? camera testing? How does the camera op fit in on-set? How closely would a camera op ordinarily work with the DP? Would they be involved with shot selection and planning either in advance or on the day, or more just operating the camera to achieve the results the DOP wants?
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