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Dmitriy Nedria

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Everything posted by Dmitriy Nedria

  1. Наткнулся на слайды родителей. 70-е....Кто знает сохранятся ли наши фото через 40 лет.

  2. Daria Sekret-ary я конечно не так много читаю художественной литературы как ты. И в основном я чит...

  3. 298 мёртвых пассажиров рейса MH17 не являются чем-то беспрецедентным. История любит повт...

  4. Hello everybody. I'm cinematographer with experience in cinema and advertising. Want to have post graduate education in Canada to advance my skills in cinematography. I've filmed 2 feature films as DP and want to find strong cinematography school not to waste my time with newbies. Who can give an advice? My reel and some of my works: http://nedria.net/ Playback montage from my last feature that in post-production: https://vimeo.com/106392695 Thanks for answers.
  5. Hello everybody. I'm cinematographer with experience in cinema and advertising. Want to have post graduate education in Canada to advance my skills in cinematography. I've shoot 2 feature films as DP and want to find strong cinematography school not to waste my time with newbies. Who can give an advice? My reel and some of my works: http://nedria.net/ Playback montage from my last feature that in production: Thanks for answers.
  6. Друзья спасибо за поздравления было по настоящему приятно. Friends thank you for the congratulations it was realy nice.

  7. Друзья, кто сейчас в Одессе?

  8. Enjoyed working on this film with Lybomir Levitsky and Mark Eberle as second unit DOP. It was tough, but it worth it.

  9. "Уличные происшествия".Вчера вечером гражданин М, выйдя из кинотеатра, столкнулся с...

  10. Hello everyone look my showreel and my works at nedria.net Feel free to comment.
  11. Avrora-Mania Red One, Ultra Prime lens I can not say that fully satisfied with the result ... Ready to hear your comments
  12. In your opinion what lense best for Red One Cooke or Ultra Prime...
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