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Adam Barnett

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Posts posted by Adam Barnett

  1. Are the ASA ratings the same for Super 8mm film as they are for regular 35mm film? I've never seen Super 8mm film advertised as being 1600 ASA for example. The numbers are always low. Why is that? Also, what's the crop factor like for Super 8mm film?

  2. Thanks Fred :). Your post really helped a lot and I'm planning on getting the Micro 4/3rds now. Thanks for all your help!!!


    Edit: I just re read your post, my apologies, my reply didn't really answer any questions, anyway, while the higher ISOs are nice, you shouldn't have to use anything above 800 (and normally 400) on the 550d at-least, these high speeds are so noisy that they may as well not be there (I believe much of the grain is removed through complicated processing of the image, not available in video mode, though I may be wrong) there have been some amazing things done with the EP cameras (just type in EP camera test on youtube) I assume you've done a bit (or a lot) of research to settle on so I'm sure you have good reasons to want to purchase, and if the only thing making you hesitate is that it doesn't shoot at some ridiculous ISO like 6400 then go for it, you wont need the ultra high speed in normal situations.

  3. I'm new to the art of "cinematography" (although what I'll be shooting in the beginning will probably far from qualify as that) and asked an experienced camera operator what I should do to get started. His name is Dan Marrero and he recommended me to this site. His advice was this: "... buy a camera and start shooting". I'm short on funds and make about 500 to 600 dollars a month (I'm living in a side room at a relatives house for the moment until I find better employment). 200 of that goes to car payments. Probably around 100 goes to gas, and 100 to food. That leaves me with around 200 to spend/save if I stick to that budget. I'm debating between these cameras and wanted to know if an Olympus Pen (specifically the E-P1 or E-P2) would be a reasonable thing to start with. Right now I'm stuck with a Casio Exilim EX-FH20 which is quite frankly a piece of crap as far as trying to shoot video because you essentially have zero control over aperture, shutter speed, or ISO (all you get is exposure compensation of like 2 stops I think). The EP-1 and E-P2 give the user the ability to change both aperture and shutter speed. I'll sacrifice ISO for now since I need a camera fast and don't have much experience (why waste money right?). Is this a wise decision?

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