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Hector Ariel Diaz

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  1. I dare you to prove yourself. I dare you to reform. I dare you to become something greater.

  2. Having lived here 20 years it's funny how there's people out there with families and poop, yet they still trying to wrap it somebody else on the low. I see ya'll.

  3. It's a funny thing when you find mugshots of some friends from facebook. Not saying no names but I know what you did! Bad! Bad! lol

  4. I'm having a difficult time deciding which format to write this one story I had in mind but I think what I'm going for is a picture book for older readers. Let's see if that works out.

  5. I don't care about how many times you mess up. I care about how you get up, move forward, and knock obstacles down. If you stay messed up, I don't feel sorry nor remorse for you. That's your own problem and it's not mine to repair.

  6. The Magic Lantern Canon EOS Raw hacks are really interesting to me.

  7. I'm frustrated with my life. There's so much potential in it but nothing is good enough or anywhere I want it to be yet even though I've made it much further than most of my family and friends. This drains my happiness.

  8. Question of the day: How do I get 19 dedicated people to come out and volunteer twice a week for eight weeks straight to raise $2K a day?

  9. As I'm currently researching the advancement of liquid lenses I'm noticing companies like Canon are already placing patents. Looks like I'm not the only one who sees this technology in the future of digital cinema.

  10. I once abandoned Christianity & Catholicism not because of the scriptures itself but because of the wrong people delivering their messages. I did it to avoid feeling pressured, unworthy, and bullied. Then I grew up, wised up, and got open minded. I made some atheistic friends in the process but now I see many atheists doing the exact thing I ran away from. I don't support a dictatorship of anyone's belief systems on anyone; that's not cool and I won't respect anyone who is or will become a co...

  11. Here's >>>> Reality.Then here's >>>> Dreams.Sometimes reality gets a little greedy.Sometimes dreams don't get a chance to become bigger than reality.Reality is not my friend. Reality is not your friend.Reality wants you and I to suffer.Reality wants you and I to be like everyone else living the same reality. Like sheep. Boring little white sheep that cannot dream.So what do you do? Tell reality to go **(obscenity removed)** itself.Because I'm living the damn dream whether real...

  12. Yay another surreal dream of tornadoes that switches over to an post-apocalyptic adventure of aliens and machines.

  13. Although there's alot of equality happening today; you'd have to ask this: What has my government distracted me for this time and what's being signed behind my back?

  14. A message to all bugs that invade my personal space: I will spray you with water if you can fly and once you fall down to ground level I will zap you with 3.7 million volts of electricity multiple times.

  15. Highly considering chasing a MEng over a MA/MFA. I used to be an engineer and then became a filmmaker; now I want to engineer cameras to support my filmmaking habit. ;-)

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