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Cameron Busby

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Everything posted by Cameron Busby

  1. Thank you Paul for that insight about my reel(really helpful), this is actually the second cut so far. Firstly, Yes I did edit my own reel, and I actually did use focal changes for creative effect(I was naive then) for the cupcakes part because I had limited tools at my disposal to make things more interesting. I only used the talking head scenes to demonstrate interview footage, but they are going to replaced by some more recent and better shot footage and I'm going to cut out the speed bag. The black slug is accident I didn't notice while encoding until I uploaded it on Vimeo. The second talking head spot I haven't done anything actually to beside fixing exposure levels and curves actually.
  2. Hello all, my name is Cameron Busby. I'm first year film student. I've recently made my first cinematographer reel. I've only recently starting DPing. All content showed was shot in the last five months. My reel consists of two short films, one music video, a cooking show, Ocuppy Wallstreet stock footage,and a promotional boxing documentary. I still trying to find myself as a cinematographer and have very much to learn as a student, and would kindly appreciate some guided advice about my reel(editing,shots, color correction, lighting, movement,etc). Please don't hold back any thoughts. Thanks Reel Link: http://vimeo.com/33205294
  3. I like to introduce myself my name is Cameron Busby, I'm a young cinematographer just starting out of high-school. I been looking through dozens of pages of advice in these forums trying to find the best HD camera for me. My budget is around 5000 and i am very puzzled still on what camera i should buy first; to start out.I plan to use it mostly doing short films, commercials, interviews, and indie features. Im looking for a camera that can give a lot of control and has a large array of easily buyable attachments (lens, mic, monitor, viewfinders, rigs, etc). With 5000 dollars what camera would be my best choice? Thank-you in advance.
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