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Graham Aston Burt

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Everything posted by Graham Aston Burt

  1. Hello All, I need a nicely laid out film Inventory spreadsheet for a job tomorrow. Can any one point me to one online or email me one. Much appreciated! Graham Burt Loader/ 2nd Grahamburt@gmail.com
  2. im looking for a splicer for cutting Negative with tape, preferably one that can cut straight and diagonal. I want to buy something of good quality that will last. Thanks GB
  3. Im looking to buy a 16mm splicer and i dont know whats the best. Looking for recomendations for the best all around product. Thanks GB
  4. Terex, a construction company makes a small trailer with 4 1k work lamps on it, it has a 30' post to raise them. these would be a cheeper rental then cinema lighting i think. do you think i might have a flicker issue? I doing the whole thing out of my own pocket and i dont have very deep pockets..
  5. will be shooting day and night but im thinking that ill use existing light during the day and then have to figure out what do for the night.
  6. So, I am a non union AC from NY who just moved to Boston for the Summer.(long Story) Can anyone tell me where I should be looking for work. Im happy to Shoot, AC, Electric, or Grip, but I cant work for credit and craft service. Im hoping to earn a living without having to comute back to nyc. any help is greatly appreciated!
  7. Im planning to shoot an outdoor Bmx dirt jumping event on Hdv and I need to figure out the cheapest way to light. Should I be trying to get a good deal on some 1.2k par hmi's or should i consider building my own boards with tungsten floodlamps? Maybe par 64's? I need some guidance. The entire area is maybe 1000 sq ft. My main factor is budget. Camera is rating i think around 200/250 asa. Need to make the riders pop from the tree lined background thanks for any ideas
  8. I want to get better than 1:1 with c mounts and extension tubes, is it possible? Is there a way to get 3:1? I'm not against building something myself.
  9. going to be shooting the human body. thanks. do i need to be using only "macro" switars with the tubes? will they achieve a better result? hoping to get 1:1 to 3:1 think thats doable with a bolex and c mounts?
  10. so I'm teamates on a macro project. we have access to bolexes and arri sr. we have aquired extension tubes for the c mount lenses and like our results however we looking for more magnification. One idea that i read about in other posts was to get a c mount to Canon fd adapter and try using some macro/ magnifying lenses. I think i even found some pretty good macro lenses on ebay. am i headed in the right direction? should i be thinking about something else? we are resolute about shooting on film and money IS a factor. is there some other package we should be considering? nothing is set in stone and i want to make sure we consider all options before we start shooting. Grateful for any info/advice. was looking at an FD lens called A Vivitar 70-210mm f4.5-f5.6 Macro 1:5x <does that mean 5x magnifying or one/fifth?
  11. this is great, but i could use a little more to go on, perhaps a company that specializes in this kind os gear, or even a book/catalogue about it. let me put it this way. if i wanted to push the limit of whats been done with race cars and cameras, and money is not an object, who should i contact? thanks, Graham
  12. Im developing a concept where i will need several interior and exterior mounting options for high end video cameras as well as solutions for getting high quality images from small (lipstick or similar) cameras. These mounts will be on high performance cars being driven at high speed. can anyone suggest a site or company that specializes in this gear, or a good source of info on these topics. Thanks.
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