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Brady Wurtz

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Everything posted by Brady Wurtz

  1. yea that's the rough part. the lens on my camera has no adjustments on it at all. no zoom, no focus. and since i've got no manual and can't seem to find one online anywhere without paying 10 bucks, i'm not to sure on the specs of this camera http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/m/mYrrzcHL-05CVWIg8mJbmgA/140.jpg
  2. So i recently got my hands on a Super 8 film camera (Bell & Howell 306). My only problem with it so far (haven't shot anything yet) is that it's a fixed lens with a fixed focal length. And everything else on it is pretty much automatic, so have no control over it. but i also own a Letus Mini 35mm Adaptor... in theory, if i can attach my letus to the camera and get the film camera to film on the plate glass in my letus, do you think the footage should still look good? or do you think the automatic lettings on my super 8 camera will through everything off? the super 8 camera needs a battery for the auto exposure, but if i don't put a battery in, do you think i could adjust the exposure properly on the lenses i attach to my letus? idk if anyone has had this idea before to do this, or if i'm the first one, or if it's just to stupid that it won't really work well. just wanted to see what you guys think before i give it a try
  3. i can develop the film myself. i know it may not be perfect, but i'm not doing this for a production company or for a job or anything. i'm doing this on my own free time. but i just can't seem to find anywhere online or any ideas where to even begin on developing this super 8 film on my own. i don't mind even making a very dinky set to develop it, as long as i can do it i'll be happy

  4. from my cousins wife's father who passed away recently. i've got the camera, projector, and on camera lights. i'm so excited about it, and really want to use it and learn how film works since at school we never used film. but it seems like i'm going to have to spend about $150 every time i get about 3 minutes of film to shoot and develop it. so i've been trying to see how...

  5. yea, i'm a recent college graduate (class of 09). i work at a public access station, and i do videography, which is what i majored in. i've got a website of stuff i've done (bradywurtz.com)

    but i've always worked with either tape (miniDV) or file based media (P2 cards or SDHC cards).

    i just recently got a Bell & Howell model 306 Super 8 camera from my c...

  6. Do you know where I could purchse this E-6 kit? Is that all I'd need to develop the film?
  7. i recently got my hands on a Bell & Howell model 306 Automatic Super 8 film camera along with the projector. I just ordered some Kodak 7285 EKTACHROME 100D SUPR-8 SILENT 50' film for the camera, and it should be in in a few days. i really can't wait to start using this camera, but really would love to develop this on my own instead of sending it out. i know it may be hard and tedious but this is more of a hobby of mine and i would take much more pride in developing it myself. i've tried looking on the forums here for someone with good instructions on how to develop your own film, but i can't seem to find anything. I've also been googling it for the past 3 days and i just can't find anything or anyone who has a clear description on how a newbie like me would do this. if anyone can help me out here that would be amazing! also, has anyone tried using those simple little 35mm transfer machines you can buy for like 50 bucks as a substitution for transferring film onto the computer? Yea i know it may take a log time but in theory for me it should work. it would just be a very large photo and i'd have to crop it down a bunch, but in theory should it still work?
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