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Everything posted by PhilipBloom

  1. it's going to be two parts. well three.. FS100 Vs F3 (slog and without) vs AF100 vs C300 vs 7D vs Gh2 hacked The actual review and my film i am making of a beautiful but freezing cold area of Northern France I have the camera for a week so just after that!
  2. I am just going to rent Alexas or EPICs from now on. I may buy a C300. Trying it out from tomorrow...
  3. Thomas, Yes, spot on. I spent $80k on a camera with the bits, took it on loads of shots, deliberately made it go wrong all so I could do the final masterstroke in my plan...return the camera and write a blog post on it to get amazing click through numbers! I have read a lot of nonsense about this recently but that takes the biscuit, especially from an educated man like yourself. This has been a miserable experience for me as I documented on my post. Give me a break please sir. I am perplexed though if you found it so boring why bother to even comment on it...without a camera you cannot make pictures. So is this relevant to this forum? Well I didn't post it her but did feel a reply was needed. As to why I bought an Epic...I like the size, the highs peed and when I use it I keep it REALLY compact. I love the Alexa but it's size is too heavy for my non stop flying. The Epic went in my think tank bag. Kind Regards, Philip
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