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Rex Orwell

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Posts posted by Rex Orwell

  1. Exactly what I was gonna suggest. Looks to me like some sort of moisturiser that's been almost completely soaked into the skin, but then god knows what sort of make-up products have been used.


    When you first apply moisturiser it can be shiny, but after a while it provides for a slight sheen that looks just like this.

  2. That's where it's going.


    When I was 14 I came up with an idea for virtual reality simulators. It was essentially a TT Race bike with a scaffold bar welded upright onto the back. At the top of the steel bar would be mounted 6 Cameras. The user would sit in a chair surrounded by 6 TV screens each set up with a VCR underneath (this was the frame of reference at the time) allowing them to look around them in any direction.


    I didn't tell anyone about it, like any of my ideas really, but 3 years later Disneyland employed a similar setup.


    This is interesting, but might be obselete before it gets started.

  3. gigaom.com reports that Danfung Dennis, a war photographer and videographer who turned his experiences in Afghanistan into an Academy Award-nominated documentary, would like people to get a look through his eyes. But instead of referring people to his pictures or documentary, he’s got a more ambitious plan to build a new video standard that let’s people encounter moving imagery in a much more visceral and interactive way.


    Dennis’ company Condition One, which is set to graduate from TechStars’ New York class Thursday, has created a video technology that lets people with cameras film video that can capture 180 degrees of view. The video, which can be manipulated through swipes or an accelerometer, can be viewed through iPad or iPhone apps. The goal is to help consumers, big brands and publishers create videos that allow people to live inside a moment, letting them act as if they are in a given place, experiencing it firsthand.


    Read more and see the video at http://gigaom.com/2012/06/13/is-condition-one-the-future-of-video-mark-cuban-thinks-so/


    Condition One is a technology company developing next generation immersive video applications. Our flagship product is an embeddable immersive video player for the iPad / iPhone, which we license to media companies and brands. It integrates seamlessly into existing applications or can be launched as a standalone product. The beauty of our technology is that it works within existing video production workflows and does not require specialized hardware. Take a look at our solution.


    Condition One combines the power of the still image, the narrative of films and the engagement of tactile controls to create powerful emotional experiences of 'being there.' Condition One doesn't just open a window into another world - it makes the viewer an active participant. Download our showcase iPad app, featuring a wide range of sample content including: travel, sports, news, music and entertainment.

  4. zz4f3ed043.jpg


    The salesman is in business cos the business is there.


    This 10 and 12 and 5%'s is largely built from those on the gravy train through one means or another already. Those percentages are built up of us ultimately. So the problems in us its just that the vehicle is provided, but by and on behalf of whom? ... We're not sharp enough.


    One thing I'd say is that this issue of the Taxpayer footing the bill for the Olympics, and a good deal of it being paid for by those working in office with Lottery funding, a source of revenue over which there were once laws put in place to prevent political parties plundering and directing it to either assist themselves or their business associates, is generally a sore point with most of the people I meet and it's never long before they find an excuse to voice that concern.


    Yeah that coming around again. The Lottery.


    A local news reporter almost slipped up today. "Now, many people in the region have asked I'm sure 'But what will the Olympics do for us? What do we get back?'" he said. I couldn't help my jaw dropping slightly as he went on to describe the magical three days ahead when we're to witness the Olympic Torch being carried through various townships in the County.


    ... and that's how easy it is to buy us off.


    Cos that's all we'll be getting.


    Banjo Salve... and the wonderful changes. For our Lackanookie, Gollyweasles and general stupidity really.

  5. Real talk.


    Or who more precisely, are of the belief that it would be better if we died, and certainly weren't comfortable enough to be a danger (jobs).




    Following the tradition of the Club, which avoids administrative overhead (sometimes being called a non-governmental non-organisation) The National Associations are working as networks of active individuals. The Centre in Vienna coordinates their activities, assists in events and conducts projects in cooperation with the Associations and the Club's Secretariat-General which is located in Winterthur.



    We don't select our 'leaders' though. Look at the London Mayer elections three or four weeks ago as one example. 67% didn't bother to vote. That's a landslide. A massive landslide of those who are basically saying "It's all getting tired. We don't like any of you. We've heard it all before and know exactly what you're really interested in, which is feathering your own nest and sorting your little pals out." Democracy involves responsibility, which is something we're not ready for unfortunately, so we don't have it and never have.


    "Which of these three do you want?"




    "Way it's tough cos you're getting one of them."


  6. Jessica Alba doesn't come off believably as a research scientist in Fantastic Four because the film is so... er...[/size]




    @ David. I wouldn't take what I posted too literally. What I mean is I hope the casting is realistic. That the chiselled cast Phil describes here can be a real downfall. I mean, have a ship full of Ugandans that would be more interesting to me. It's the forced, obligatory pigeon holes a lot of films are built around. Real characters, not... well, the cast of Fantastic Four on a spaceship called Prometheus.



  7. Hear rumours that maybe right at the end but mostly no.

    I think to be fair to Ridley this is why they are saying its not an alien movie.


    I'll be disappointed if this film follows a recommended Hollywood model, ie;


    We need this to accommodate an equal opportunities policy. Where's our 'Asian guy' have we auditioned for 'Asian guy'? With each member of the cast representing one 'minority' or another to help appease most people's denied internal issues regarding race / or to help strengthen that confusion about race within the viewer.


    Obligatory love interests. Either in your face, or running subtly in the background. This would probably drive me crazy.


    All crew are expendable and are a diverse and multicultural lot, but the Captain is American. Anyone in authority must be American. Do what you want at this point, but whatever route the story takes make allowances so that the world and the entire human race being saved by America is easily scripted in at the end. We know it's plausible, but make it look plausible.


    The 'strong woman' role. Symbolic of the 21st century 'go-getting' female in business convinced that there's no glass ceiling, and there isn't!! honestly! "how does this 24 year old woman's brain function so logically. A natural leader, she's so good at saving this ship and the entire known universe from destruction, do we really need men for anything?... back on Earth"


    If the words "kick xenomporph ass" are used I'll walk out of this I'm warning you.


    As this gets closer the awful 'Alien vs Predator' (which also follows the above model) keeps coming to mind.

  8. I want a new camera. I have been wanting one for a long time. I have been looking around for one but I can't find one that fits what I need.


    What I want is a camera that is no more then $2,000 at the most. I would like it to have changeable lenses. I would also like it to be HD. I want it to be able to record on SD cards or some other way besides tapes. I would like audio ports for extra mics and manual control buttons on the camera to control exposure and such. I dont know if it is at all possible to get one that cheap with all of those specifications but if it is anything like this then I would love it! Thank you all.


    Oh and one last note. I dont want it to be a small camcorder. I want it to be as professional as it can be.


    Sure you can't squeeze another $995 out of the world?



  9. I`m just not going to buy some snake oil argument that I`m better off quality wise watching the director`s movie through an online stream over a presentation on a Blu Ray on my HD tv or in a movie theater.


    Yeah. But these formats are all gonna leave us you know. I mean maybe it will end up closing in on a format resembling a marble like is it Star Wars? Where they stick the marble on a plynth and the hologram comes out? - something like that.


    It's not really a quality issue for me. Quality is always going to move around as we head towards hologram, it's the way it's all distributed now it's a played-out system.


    I had quite a bit of text written out for this thread and thought "Nah I'm giving too many of my own plans away and want to operate a little differently and possibly be one of the first to do so" Saying what I wanted to say would be handing my ideas out on a plate before I've had a chance to test them myself.





    And maybe I'm naive. I'm just a young guy starting out and hold the people who've posted in here with the utmost respect I'd love to have the same level of experience... but maybe being comfortable in how things have been up to now, which we know aren't working, wouldn't be the healthiest way to be. Whatever our individual views on issues like format or file sharing are, there'll be one point we'd all agree on; the ways in which things are done now aren't helping the industry, UK or elsewhere, to flourish. It's an old VHS business model and it's time to change how things are done.


    So the term "Films people actually want to watch" and looking to improve the UK film industry according to that assumption is just cluthcing at straws in this instance.

  10. I don't agree. Not that it matters.


    they simply can't be arsed wading through virus- and spyware-ridden dodgy websites looking for tracks they can simply buy in a couple of minutes for small change.


    In half the quality of what someone would be able to get elsewhere free if they knew what they were doing and it’s not hard.


    iTunes takes advantage of peoples naivety. Apple does well because it makes good gear.

  11. Point of order: copyright infringement is not a criminal offence in many places, it's often a civil matter, so it's even more of a stretch to call the guy a criminal.


    That said, I think there's a lot of hiding behind that sort of definition. "Oh, we don't host the files, we just link to them," or "Oh, we don't control what people do with our service". At some point people like Pirate Bay and Megaupload knew full well they were making an overwhelming proportion of their money out of copyright infringement.


    The beginning of this could have been me typing. I did start a post going into more depth before you posted and thought "Ah, I can't be bothered".


    "I'm not a criminal I uploaded the files I don't own the website."

    "We run the website, the network provider transfers the packets."

    "We own the network but the satalite isn't owned by us."

    "I killed 4 women. I'm a patriot, what are you talking about I'm not a criminal I didn't start the war."


    We love the windows provided to absolve ourselves of any blame ay.


    File hosts are an essential service, forget music and films for a minute. I'll not go into my various professions, but I used to backup 500Mb portions of documents / pictures (some of which I'd had pro photographers taking for me at cost) / contracts / marketing material / design work on Megaupload. Because of crashes it saved me many times. Thousands and thousands of hours of work that would have been lost without Kim Dot Com’s website, just sitting there as a URL ready to save my bacon should the worst happen or if I skipped from one country to the next and just simply deleted all of my work from whatever computer I was using at the time and downloaded it all again at the other end. It felt safer than lugging a sensitive piece of computer hardware around at 20,000 feet possibly being bashed about in cargo bays.


    Would I have used this If I knew all my documents were gonna be scanned, redirected or scrutinised by a human being in case they violated Copyright 'law' ? No, because it was valuable information.


    What happens if I need to send 15Mb of designs and spreadsheets to someone in China? Can't use an email, it's not possible and it's discourteous clogging someone’s inbox up like that.


    This is a guy who started a website that's all. It was up to the user to take responsibility for how they used it.





    If the 'right' person was behind Megaupload it wouldn't have been touched, and like I said its takedown was nothing to do with its file sharing up to date.


    We know that because there are a dozens of file hosts out there. Some of them are much bigger than Megaupload ever was.


    ...They're still running. Why? Because they haven't tested and weren't about to launch a platform like Megakey.





    A walkman-stye media player with built-in digital radio (DAB) that allowed you to make true data-stream recordings of digital broadcasts. Sadly, the sample died on me and the buyer decided not to proceed with the product. That would have been a music pirate's dream :rolleyes:


    And it was configuring the ID3 tags? I'd be surprised.


    For the really obscure stuff I use Audacity. But then I've still got to edit the ID3 tags. If music is out there on wax or any other hard vehicle someone out there has ripped it, so a lot of the time it's easier to just use Google. If they're ripping regularly they've usually got the nouse to sort the tags out.


    I was a ‘music pirate' for years. Frequently I was approached by artists and production companies thanking me for ripping their product and directing those who downloaded to purchase the vinyl. They knew the value of what I and others were doing.


    Vinyl is the music pirates dream. I know people who pay 2000 GBP for a record regularly. It’s the only format worth paying money for. It retains its value at minimum and can't disappear when a drone flies overhead sending out an Electro Magnetic Pulse.


    Good luck trying to get the files (music or film) you've paid for back without paying for them again when the above happens or you've had a hard drive crash on you.





    Film, has yet to come up with a true hard solution and it may never have one.


    I'm happy to buy a film on DVD*, and I've got a library of hundreds. As a matter of fact, I've paid for so many DVD's they're in storage I've got nowhere to put them at present. No one can point the finger at me saying I haven't supported the film industry or individuals working within it. Yet, I'm still a heavy user of soft and there's no shame in it. I'm real I'm not going to lie to anyone about anything.


    Whilst it might appear that we're deviating from the subject of this thread, in my opinion we're not because a website like Megakey would have reinvigorated the British Film Industry.


    There'll come a time in the future when we look back at this issue surrounding Copyright and say "We were idiots" mark my words.


    Think I've said about all I can say. The rests up to us.



    * I say happy, I'm not. It's a flawed format and discs are liable to scratching. It'll also be obselete in 3 years time.

  12. Re; The 4 year life span, it's data pulled from one and uploaded to another. I'd imagine.


    Films like Ghost In The Shell have been here if you're talking about exhausting where that takes you.
















    Nice... Getting to put that up. Top 20 stuff.

  13. Yep.


    I think what Kim Dot Com was about to do, was create a website so massive that it was going to knock everything out of the water. If we asked what is it that people want most in the developed world we'd probably say music. Essentials like food and water aside people want media. Nobody doesn't want music or film. In fact I'm sure most would consider that they need more music and more media, in better quality too. What are the biggest profit makers in the world? well it's juggernaughts such as Facebook (currently in decline) and Google etc (and for the reader, time of posting is a few hours after Facebook was put onto the NASDAQ). Facebook is worth more than Coca Cola and Ford combined if you can imagine that (today). How many people on this board own a Facebook account? 3%? 5%? 15% as many as 20%? I don't.






    I mean the pervasive and plastic Facebook in intself is just their version of trying to cash in on this (follow the funding at inception). That's why it's balls.


    When a site like Megakey is able to distribute media uploaded directly from the artist or the production company and occasionally charge the end-user a few pennies / cents but generally allows them to download media in the best quality for free, then essentially everybody who uses any kind of modern technology in the developed world will have a Megakey application on each of their personal and home entertainment devices. The word 'piracy' disappears suddenly from use.


    So then it transcends media, and becomes information, with the user acquiring both through one primary source. And the best thing is it's totally unrestricted. Like I said earlier and films being judged purely on their merit and popularity. You'd literally have access to anything, anytime. You'd give access to anyone, anything, anytime. And it's a self sustaining, publicly fuelled, publically controlled organism.


    The crew get paid no matter what, through the advertising space utilised within the application on a user's machine.


    They couldn't allow it. Like I said in the SOPA and PIPA thread, these people haven't got your interests at heart as an artist or a skilled professional. It's their own pockets they'd prefer to line better. Having this site operational was gonna make that more difficult.


    The victimisation of Kim Dot Com has got nothing to do with the file sharing up to date on Megaupload, and in turn piracy has got nothing to do with destroying this industry. It's there to save it.


    This is like the basics of the internet. The majority of us are still in some sort of hard-copy, Back To The Future, Chuck Berry Dance state of mind.




    It's a bit crap really.

  14. I hear it a lot from women.



    ... on their birthdays.


    There's a lot to it. The formats we view media through are gonna turn on their head and it seems to me that any tieing the opourtinues created by failings in how things are currently distributed into knots of copyright legislation is just pulling everyone down no matter what your occupation.


    That website would have been incredible an opourtunity has been missed.


    The US film industry under the current structure even, will see a difference as Chinese business models influence the world, probably.

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