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  1. Just wanted to bump this because I just completed Man-Hole Part III. And in my opinion the lighting and cinematography take an exponential leap forward in this one. So looking for more feedback. You can see it here: http://www.desperatecomfort.com/phpwcms/in...d=20,49,0,0,1,0 M
  2. thisisthepope, Thanks, and actually that is much more the kind of criticsim I was looking for from this board: actual, specific things that can be improved about the filmmaking. It's kind of irrelevant whether people like the humor or not. I'm posting here for this kind of critique. So thanks for such a detailed post. M
  3. Those are actually bloody knives. Which might be even weirder. But as I said, this is a series, so we start laying in little bits which will continue into other story threads.
  4. Well, I'll say right off, I don't know what a reel should look like. But your work looks fantastic. If anything, I might say I agree with the guy above, only because it was clear to me very early on in the reel that you know what you're doing and do nice work. So I was sold on it pretty quickly. Question about reels: Is there any benefit to telling what kind of camera each clip was shot on?
  5. Yes, it is an ongoing series. We are doing one a month. And when we are sick of it, one of two things will happen to end it: 1) It was all a dream. 2) The Earth will be destroyed by Aliens. Thanks for the input, and if you think of areas where it can improve, we would love to hear them. BTW, I am not the lead character, but the silly, fat blond guy.
  6. Thanks LondonFilmMan, I know I said I wasn't going to respond to people, but... It's interesting that you mentioned exploring more dialogue, because that was the same conclusion I'd come to and in Ep III, even though we are going to keep them weird, we are going to be expanding the scenes some more, so that they are less "punch you in the gut" and more like real scenes for the actors to play. But as I say at the top, the whole point of this project is to have something to shoot every month, so we can get better...
  7. Although I do want to make one correction to what the guy above posted. For those of you reading that before you watch the movie: THERE ARE NO BLOODY DILDOS IN THIS MOVIE. I'm not sure where that guy got that. Makes me wonder if he really did watch the movie...
  8. Hey, thanks so much for taking the time to write such a detailed comment. I'm not going to really answer anybody's criticism unless they ask. When taking critiques, I feel like it's most beneficial to just listen to what people say and take it in.
  9. I am pretty new to this forum. I think I may have posted here once before. But this year, I really started to sink my teeth into learning as much as possible about lighting and shooting my own stuff. To that end, I started doing my shorts as a sort of series. This way, I would have the characters already and would simply write new episodes for them, and always have something new to shoot. See Man-Hole here! I've always been told that writing and acting are our strong suits. And now I want to beef up camera and lighting. So, since I know a lot of people with much more experience haunt these boards, I would appreciate any feedback you could offer a novice. Thanks!
  10. No adaptors or anything just the camera out of the box. These are the settings, so the 24PA thing might be on. We were not in 24PA. Someone else said this on the other board, but I guess I do not fully understand it. Is there someplace I can read up to get the 411 on the "jutter frame?" Settings: Detail Level: -4 Vdetail: -4 Detail Coring: 0 Chroma Level: 0 Chroma Phase: 0 Color Temp: 0 Master Ped: 0 A. Iris Level: +2 Gamma: Cinelike_v Knee: Auto Matrix: Cine-Like Skin Tone Detail: ON VDetail Freq: MID Progressive: 24P
  11. I posted this on dvxuser with a lot of feedback, but I wanted to see if anyone here had any other ideas. I recently got some weird results and I am trying to figure out if it is something wrong wtih the camera or just me being dumb. On some shots, I am getting these weird little ghosting effects. Exhibit A This could be motion blur. She is moving a bit here. But then look at: Exhibit B. Look at the edge of the back of the couch. I am also experiencing some focus problems in wide shots. It seems difficult to maintain focus in wide shots, except when there is a lot of light. If all of this can be chaulked up to my inexperience, fine, I am trying to figure out if I should take the camera to be serviced ( Which I will prob do anyway for peace of mind )
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