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Mathis Nitschke

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Everything posted by Mathis Nitschke

  1. Thanks Will, much appreciated. Just pointing out to all: this youtube film is only the trailer, the complete film is 19 minutes long.
  2. http://www.mathis-nitschke.com/Allaboutme.html Synopsis: 'All about me' is about the feelings of guilt when desiring pornographic images, and the futile attempt to contain those desires through conciously sought oversaturation. The film approaches the theme through different poetical episodes from the life of an apple. The apple is born out of the sea, and it is eaten, traded and mechanically processed until it flies toward heaven. The use of stop-motion animation and simple Super8 tricks creates a nostalgic impressivity that both supports and intercepts the disarming subjectivity of the author through poetry. This film is an attempt of upfront self-exploring filmmaking, in hope to find something in me which is of public interest. This film feels a bit weird nowadays, as the subject matter was of strong significance at the time of shooting (2005) and became much less important over time. But in all honesty this film also helped me at that time to liberate myself. Having said that, the film is not meant to be a film about me (despite the title), I was trying to find something basic and profound about the nature of attraction of pornographic material which translates into some truth about longings and desires. Buying the film would support my art and help me doing new projects. I hope this post is not understood as some die-hard commercial announcement. From a technical standpoint: the film footage is captured with a Beaulieu 4008ZMII, a Nizo 4080 and a Eumig Nautica on Kodachrome and Vision 500T (the candle footage). Transfer is DIY. All the best, - Mathis
  3. Description and more pics: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...em=110413035797
  4. Dear Forumites, at long last I make my little movie "All about me" available through internet and DVD through simple Paypal payments. I needed some 3 years distance to finally be able to edit a trailer... I made a simple website and it's here: http://www.mathis-nitschke.com/Allaboutme.html Synopsis of the film: 'All about me' is about the feelings of guilt when desiring pornographic images, and the futile attempt to contain those desires through conciously sought oversaturation. The film approaches the theme through different poetical episodes from the life of an apple. The apple is born out of the sea, and it is eaten, traded and mechanically processed until it flies toward heaven. The use of stop-motion animation and simple Super8 tricks creates a nostalgic impressivity that both supports and intercepts the disarming subjectivity of the author through poetry. It's almost entirely shot on a variety of Super8 stocks and edited on DV through a homemade telecine. If you're just curious about the tech stuff you can also just download the trailer. Any attention is much appreciated! All the best, - Mathis
  5. Project on a small white paper and film it with your videocam. Depending on your equipment it can come out surprisingly well. And it´s fun.
  6. I´d like to bump up this question since I think it´s very interesting and relevant. Did anybody measure it? Probably not very complicated, thinking about it. Will do myself.
  7. That´s what the whole music instruments industry is about.
  8. I also bought it via christmas special and just watched the first DVD and it´s great. It really breaks down the grammar. Search a bit on google. Per is active on some forums (if I remember right, one of them is machinima.com) and for these forum members there´s also a good discount.
  9. Any reviews of the DVD set out here? This product: http://www.hollywoodcamerawork.us/ I think it looks really interesting, I´m just a bit slow in purchasing because of its price... Bests, - Mathis
  10. You get Kodak print stock in 8mm. Yes, I love that service, too!
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