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Chris Wood

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Everything posted by Chris Wood

  1. Thanks for the replies so far! I have tried turning the cartridges clockwise to no avail and have tried fresh batteries from multiple stores. If I pull out the non-working Ektachrome and put in a fresh Tri-X it works fine. It has been rather humid where I am located, but each cartridge that I have tried has been straight from the refrigerator (and I tried them before going outside). Unless someone has a better idea, I think I will be taking your advice Miguel and will call Kodak since I've had this happen with three fresh rolls in a row.
  2. Hey All, I bought a large amount of Tri-X and Ektachrome cartridges directly from Kodak for a project I'm working on and have shot several rolls of Tri-X successfully, but every roll of Ektachrome I try shoots for a few seconds and then sputters out. I tried multiple fresh cartridges in my Canon 814 and Eumig C10 and each roll did the same thing. If I let go of the run button for a few seconds and hold it down again it will shoot several more frames and then slow down again and stop. I scoured the internet for solutions to this problem and have used multiple recommended techniques for fixing jams, but none have helped! Am not sure if I just got a bad batch of film from Kodak (I'm assuming this is unlikely) or what, but it is a bummer as I bought quite a bit of Ektachrome. Thanks for your help/insight! -Chris
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