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  1. Thank you very much! Do you know if this is possible with the use of a standard florescent tube rather than a Kino? We are on a tighter budget that may not allow us to buy those units.
  2. I am shooting a short film on Super16 that features a large fish tank in a bedroom. The scenes will be lit with practicals and strive for a warm, natural look. The fish tank, however, will emanate a deep blue glow that separates it from the rest of the room. I have tested the stock (7213), and the blue light that is built into the tank becomes washed out once other light sources are introduced into the shot. Is there a way to rig small lights into the top of the fish tank to boost the overall light level inside it, or would you bounce light into the tank from outside? Are there any flagging techniques that could be used to keep the warm color temperature from blending with the blue? Thanks, Nigel
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