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James Neff

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  1. God forbid, it become a TV show. Now THAT would be sick.. and cruel... and yet another sign of the end. British humor: Some American's get it and love it... The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin -- genius League of Gentlemen -- genius Little Britain -- genius Travesty is defined thusly this year: Adam Sandler playing the roll of ex-pro quarterback Paul Crewe (Burt Reynolds) in a remake of 'The Longest Yard'. Has it really come to this? When you can take a 5'5", whiney, Jewish shrimp like Sandler, and have him geek his way through such a roll and people BUY IT? What did they do, make him stand on boxes in every scene, or drop the rest of the cast down 2 feet into a ditch??? Who could believe this dork as a pro-quarterback?? There really should be some film judiciary that can rule over what classic films can and cannot be remade. Why didn't they just hand the script to Ben Stiller? Woulda' been the same result. I was even more shocked to hear Burt plays a cameo in this movie. Nothing is sacred. Anything for a buck. This has to be the worst movie ever made. Kip: "Like anyone can even know that, Napoleon."
  2. There HAS to be a sequel. If the original people are all involved, it will be a boon. We have to see Napoleon and Deb's first awkward date. We have to see Uncle Rico's return to the year 2005/6, now that is girlfriend has come back to him. We have to see a year of school with Pedro as student body president, driving Summer Wheatley and the jocks crazy -- and no doubt his lack of understanding of separation of church and state as he tries to install "holy santos" (idols of saints) in the hallways. Kip and LahFawnduh's first year of marriage -- its WIDE open and almost impossible to bungle, so long as they stay simple. That's what made ND so good. It was simple. Clean. Innocent. Honest. When you've heard every obscenity in the world for many years as "humor," some knock-kneed nerd saying "Decroded piece of crap!" and "Gosh!" becomes side splittingly funny... again. Im all for a sequel, if all the original people are involved.
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