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  1. ps-I hate cinematographers, you're the reason western civilization is going straight to hell.
  2. Oh such big egos here.. Doesn't DuArt still do kinescoping for $7,000 for a 90 min. feature. That's what I read awhile ago. If my project stays on tv it'll look just fine! Yeah and that's for the great help. Tards.
  3. I think you're all wrong. I don't think any of you know what'll look like. I'm gonna go experiment. Up yours respectively.
  4. Ahhhh..... my doing this is only to get a "film-look" better than any video-only film manipulation. The final product would be on DVD. My question is would it look BETTER - MUCH BETTER than the classic kinescope work done in the past? Like this : 1)Film miniDV black and white 2)import/edit on computer 3)export back to miniDV 4)play back on a high-resolution LCD monitor 5)film this with a Arri loaded with plus-x @ 29.97 6)devolpe film and rank to miniDV 7)edit on computer adding sound 8)burn 1,000 DVD's at home and then sell them online for $10
  5. What for? Because video-to-film transfers are hundreds of dollars per minute. $35,000 for a 90 min. film. I think I could do it for $3,000 kinescoping.
  6. I'm wondering about the quality of doing a DV production , then playing the results on a HD or hi-quality video monitor (2K?) and filming that with my Arri 16Bl with 29.97 or 23.976 fps setting. Monitor resolution including 1" tape and cameras in the 1950's is cave man technology compared to today? Thanks.
  7. Hi . I'm really wanting to purchase one of those russian KONVAS cameras as I have I have a couple K3's and an Kinoflex camera and I really like them, reliable,cheap etc.. Problem is that when I contact the sellers on Ebay about using Escrow for the purchase they all refuse for various reasons. It seems no one outside the former iron curtain sells the Konvas 35mm camera and I'm not sending 1-3 thousand dollars to Moscow on blind faith. Any suggestions ?
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