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Arthur Woo

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Everything posted by Arthur Woo

  1. Got a reference from director. What do you guys think these are? Fresnel/Open face/something else? There is a lot of haze and water
  2. Thanks! I also got some developments from the director, some reference photos. Looks like it's just a bunch of open faces stacked a few feet apart, with a ton of haze in the background that makes them look larger
  3. I should clarify, I will be shooting wides and closeups. The closeups will absolutely do this effect, thanks! However, the wides would be a problem. Your idea about silver and reflective is also what I thought of. Beauty dishes (I'm thinking of the profoto one that is heat resistant) have the circular plate which will be visible (the plate isn't removable if I remember correctly - my beauty dish is at my studio so I can't check atm). Right now I'm leaning toward at least 1k open faces, since fresnels/lekos have lenses that will define a circular edge which is what the director doesn't want.
  4. Hi all, I've been tasked to make a circular source (1k micky) behind a subject look larger than its actual size. It will be pointing directly at camera, about 15-20 feet behind talent, medium shot. What are some ways to make the source seem larger? We don't actually WANT a larger source (budget and power constraints), just making the appearance of the source larger. We're using haze which should scatter some of the light but won't make it look bigger...any thoughts?
  5. Didn't see a post specifically about this. I'd like to mimic what was done in this music vid. See 0:28-0:53. There are black lights and glow and the dark paint on the dancers/background. A couple of questions: 1. Where's the most economical places to get black lights? I see long bulbs, LED panels, etc from a Google search, but like different film light fixtures, I'd imagine they have their plusses/minuses. I'm only using these on one project which has a smallish budget, so not trying to spend a lot. Examples: LED Panel: http://www.proaudiostar.com/chauvet-tfx-uvled-led-shadow.html?utm_source=Google_Shopping&gclid=CLeM2pq13sUCFcoXHwodezsAhQ Low powered bulb (not ideal): http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=CE1PptuFjVdmVIoOxfKT-gcAP69OVxwWbpOqU0AHL8brIwgIIBhAFKAhgycapi8Ck2A-gAe_h__YDyAEHqgQmT9Amto-sceFQ40fyHA3iWdhqoENWVyDyEuLcXqUvH0h28FZgvm_ABQWgBiaAB6Ob4CmQBwGoB6a-G9gHAeAS_6_yo-_-w7-WAQ&sig=AOD64_3J64a0yx_ewt5N0vvEIJyVLUojHg&ctype=5&clui=16&rct=j&q=&ved=0CKUBEPQO&adurl=http://tracking.deepsearch.adlucent.com/adlucent/Redirector%3Fretailer%3Dmusic123%26adl_channel%3Dproductads%26adl_sku%3D803063000000193-MF%26adl_kwid%26adl_adType%3DPLA%26adl_adid%3D55815864387%26adl_device%3Dc%26adl_plaid%3D86588176587%26url%3Dhttp://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/chauvet-blacklight/803063000000193%3Fcntry%3Dus%26source%3D3WWRWXGP Strips (not sure if powerful enough): http://www.blacklight.com/items/uv5050300?Open&CAWELAID=730009480000006205&CAGPSPN=pla&catargetid=730009480000009354&cadevice=c&gclid=CIf_6ve13sUCFdCPHwodL7gAIQ Also I am a little paranoid about these outputting harmful UV - should that be a concern? It looks like the higher intensity ones need protection. 2. What's the general output like from a foot candle or f-stop perspective? Ultimately I want to know how many I need to use and i there ones of different intensity. How much do I need to make the backgrounds/talent glow? Any other considerations? Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the insight David. I didn't think about a combination of a grid and large frame. The Chimera softbox I have is relatively small, it's 2x3 ft., usually used for interviews or beauty shots so it's not really enough to cover an entire body, at least in the way that the model in the example above has her body positioned. I'll try a larger diffusion frame... bringing in some floppies if necessary. We're shooting in a relatively small space, so we might not have the room for the floppies + support.
  7. I also only have a Chimera medium softbox. Larger soft source for the softer shadows, something like the below? $800 is a stretch though... http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/354760-REG/Chimera_6057_Octaplus_5_Light_Bank.html
  8. Hi all, I'm shooting something similar to this, haven't been able to quite get the same light in my tests. It looks like the key light isn't too far off from the practicals so I've been trying a few different things. Not sure how they got the key to fall off so quickly from the background and control the light so much, but still cover her entire body. Also need advice on how to get such soft shadows. I've tried bouncing light off foamcore, a bit too much spill...regular chimera softbox with both baffles is still a little hard on the shadows. Any other suggestions? 750 open face is the biggest light I have for the project. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGIgQPQlLp4
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