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  1. I'm really curious about November aswell. We recently completed "Art History" website/5 min teaser here shot on the DVX100 and I saw a blowup to 35mm of parts of an early cut. It really held its own in my opinion against many HD blowups that I was seeing. But then I'm biased since I'm the director. Mind you an audience of dp's saw it at Whistler Film Festival from that 35mm blowup and they thought it was pretty good too. We have also bumped it up to HD ourselves for projection - and it looked pretty good. The link above will show you the first five minutes but for a higher quality version we do currently have the DVD available aswell - I'd love to see how it compares to November since we had nothing like the budget/experience of their team... Best of luck to everyone - and I look forward to any and all comments. nick
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