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Joseph Chen

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  1. What do you think of the ff workshops and instructors? Basica Cinematography Mark Raker http://www.mainemedia.edu/workshops/filmmaking/basic-cinematography Director's Craft Alan Myerson http://www.mainemedia.edu/workshops/filmmaking/directors-craft Ditigital Cinematography Matt Siegel http://www.mainemedia.edu/workshops/filmmaking/digital-cinematography Cinematographers eye Daniel Marracino http://www.mainemedia.edu/workshops/filmmaking/cinematographers-eye
  2. thank for your reply. i did use cellophane wrap a few times, but i will try stocking. i am trying to look for a crystal too, but big one so i can shoot through.
  3. Thank you. Any suggestion on what filter to you if my aim is to make similar to those pics, where the highlight is glowing? what strength?
  4. can anyone explain in details what are the exact difference between these filter? and What filter was used in these images? if any.
  5. can anyone explain in details what are the exact difference between these filter? and What filter was used in these images? if any.
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