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Anna Gritsch

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Everything posted by Anna Gritsch

  1. this is the saturated look we were hoping for for the '70s' section http://popcurious.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/8_Ritts_Richard-Gere-Poolside-500x334.jpg
  2. I'm a film student currently in pre-production for my first 16mm film. We have three rolls of film stock, and can choose from 50T, 250D, 250T and 500D We have three different aesthetics: One indoor scene in a swimming pool, where we will hopefully have 3/4 natural light and I'm hoping we will be able to use 250D Kodak stock, using only natural light. Two outdoor scenes (although in the English countryside, in May) in one of which we are hoping to acheieve a look similar to 70s photographs of Californian swimming pools, such as http://www.latimes.com/features/home/la-hm-backyard-oasis-photos,0,7657842.photogallery?index=la-hm-backyard-oasis-photos-002 while in the other, we are hoping to acheieve a colder 90s style such as this film demonstrates: http://vimeopro.com/yvonlambert/sallatykka/video/40155357 Sorry for the very long post, but does anybody maybe have some advice on which film stock to use? We are using the Arri SR3 and have access to 'basic filters' Thanks!
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