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Adam Penney

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Everything posted by Adam Penney

  1. Sorry I forgot to mention that as of right now its night. Though it may end up being evening or day when its settled, but right now its night.
  2. I'm shooting a short in a few weeks. Its takes place entirely in a bathroom and the script is all dialog, fast, witty, dirty. It's a nice sized bathroom but of course once you stick three people all on the far side of the room it shrinks pretty quickly. My original idea was to put my 7 foot diffuser panel in the door way and shoot a 750 watt light through as an over all fill and on the actor mediums/tights use a kino diva to enhance. Last night I tested out the 750 through the diffuser and it gave a nice light. I'm not sure, I just wondering what everyone else had to say, if anyone had any recommendations. Shooting light through the windows is out because we are on the second floor of a house with 15 foot ceilings. As for what equipment I'll be using. Canon C100 24mm f2 35mm f1.4 50mmf1.4 85mm f1.2 (Trying to get my hands on a 14mm f2.8) Lowel kit - 2 250s - 1 750 - 250 softbox plus 3x 300 watt open faced lights 3 kino divas
  3. Hi. I'm going to be shooting inside a high school for a short film I'm working on at the end of the month and I have a few questions. The two photos below show the two main school locations, A long hallway shot and a table in a smaller area. My main concern is the wide/master shots. I'll have: - 2x 4 foot 4bank Kinos - 2x 4 foot 2bank Kinos - 3x Kino Divas - 2x Arri 1K - 3x Arri 650 - 3x Arri 300 - 2x Arri 150 I plan on lighting the medium and close-up shots with the Kinos (soft) and for the wide/master shots using the Arri fresnels (hard) to supplement the practical fluorescent when possible. Though I am somewhat worried about using the practical fluorescent lighting. If anyone has any experience shooting in a situation like this any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
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