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Dustin Bloodgood

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Everything posted by Dustin Bloodgood

  1. First time poster here. I just purchased a Dana Dolly rental kit (dana dolly, travel case, two lowboy combos, 5' of EMT track, and a Benro fluid tripod head). It's my first big purchase and I'm renting it out for the first time for an indie short film. It cost me $1,900 total and my plan is to rent it out enough to make money off of it, and eventually have it be passive income. If anyone has any tips for renting it out as far as websites to list it on, or any other ideas to expand my market, I'd greatly appreciate it. I plan on renting it for $100 a day. I live in the DC area, so if you feel like sharing what rental prices would look like in your area that would be great as well. My main concern is keeping it in the best condition that I can so that I'll be able to rent it out over the course of a few years, if it's not made obsolete by something else. What would you recommend for keeping all of my gear in good condition?
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