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Martyna Radkw Flux Daniel

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Everything posted by Martyna Radkw Flux Daniel

  1. Hi ! Let me start by saying that anonymous posts are quite cowardish and this is one of the reasons I want to give you (Varun in particular since he asked) my opinion after spending one year at Prague Film School. I'm about to leave Prague and I find myself looking back at this year i spent shooting films. I really think it the happiest year of my life so far... I was involved in so many shoots, learned a lot, met incredibly interesting people. I remember having my doubts before joining the program. I was mostly afraid that I would be around spoiled rich kids because of the price of the school. And then I thought... If you divide the price of the school by the number of films you shoot in one year, knowing that you have full access to a various range of cameras, light and sound equipment, discounts from Barrandov studios and last but not least help from (as far as I'm concerned) a very dedicated team of professors, students and school workers, you realize you save a lot of money ! This school is exactly what I always dreamed about, a creative environment where your ideas no matter what they are are respected and criticized in a healthy atmosphere... I'm going to stop right there because otherwise you won't believe me anymore ;) Let me just say that I arrived in Prague very tired of my environment and now I'm starting a film production company with friends that I met at school. Friends that now became my co-workers and family... Pick the school that is the most suitable for you Varun, everyone has different needs but I don't think you should take the anonymous post into consideration. Martyna Daniel
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