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Fanta Jackson

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  1. Is it possible to get some sound out of a film with an external speaker of some sorts? I bought the following projector: http://www.super8data.com/database/projectors_list/projectors_elmo/elmo_k100sm.htm but I didn't realise it was a silent one. If you would please scroll down to page 24 of the following PDF: http://www.apecity.com/manuals/pdf/elmo_k-100sm_manual.pdf you'll see that the film projector does allow a recording device, and specifically in this case a tape recorder to record the sound from the film and to play it in sync with the film from the beginning -- of course this would be tedious doing this all of the time. However, would it be possible to get a tape recorder and insert a cable in the projector and the tape recorder and then insert a speaker cable in the headphone jack of the tape recorder which will, I hope, emit sound. Hopefully I'm still in luck. If this is possible could you redirect me to some speakers and a tape recorder? Thanks.
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