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Christoph Helms

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Posts posted by Christoph Helms

  1. I often find a booklight type setup to look a bit nicer, almost no shadows and a great light quality.

    For example for a CU I would use a 800W Joker bounced through a 4x4 bead board diffused by opal frost or 250.

    For a direct approach I would use something like a M8 or M18 through Bleached Mus.

    But yeah, as already mentioned, it's mostly a choice depending on the space I have.

  2. I'm not an expert at this, but I think part of the audio processing involves boosting frequencies in the 60-250Hz range. If you are familiar with Adobe Audition there is a plugin called Vocal Enhancer for male voices that aims to do just that. Find it either as a standalone or under the parametric equalizer presets. Also check out the Multiband compressor with broadcast preset. After that you can play with the different frequencies. To thicken the voice in the low bands just push the slider a bit up. I think Multiband Compressor is as close to a "LUT" as you will get with audio processing.

  3. Hey guys,


    what lighting setup would you do for an empty warehouse shoot with an actor walking around.

    I will have one establishing wide and then stay in a medium shot. I was thinking 8x8 bleached muslim with Arri M18 as a key with a 800W Joker as a strong rim, probaby smoke machine for athmosphere.

    For the walking/medium shots maybe a china ball as key?


    The inspiration is this video with Morgan Freeman:


  4. Do you have a sample shot?

    It could also have something to do with the color profile... if you shot with the Technicolor Cinestyle Profile, Skin Tone Colors will be on the pale side! Were there other Tungstens in the room that resulted in mixed light conditions?

  5. Shoot in 4k and use warp stabilizer, always the best option :)


    I had a shoot this weekend filming out of this heli http://instagram.com/p/cDWzhJS1MF/

    We used a Tyler Mini Gyro but the flight was actually pretty smooth and I felt like I almost didn't need the Tyler.


    We still used Warp Stabilizer on all the shots, because of air pockets and such. We punched into FullHD resolution which made the shots pretty soft. I wish we would have spend the money on shooting on a Scarlet in 4K !


    I don't know how much experience you have, just a little tip: Always frame your shot so you are sure the blades are not in it. you won't be seeing the blades once you are up in mid air (you can see it on a wfm though). For Super35mm I recommend a 16-35mm lens.

    Sorry if this is not an exact response to your question, I still hope in can helpful to you.


    Good luck!

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