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Salah Yousef

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Everything posted by Salah Yousef

  1. Thank's Daniel. I will buy the 50mm this week :D Aapo appreciate your reply. I will check the filters on Amazon soon.
  2. Am not that good with camera lenses. Does mm stand for millimeter ? Also, could you explain to me what's Variable ND-Filter please ? http://www.amazon.com/Tiffen-77VND-VARIABLE-FILTER-Camera/dp/B004Z55VP0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376372603&sr=8-1&keywords=Tiffen+77mm+Variable+ND-Filter
  3. Thank's everyone. I appreciate your help. I bought a Canon 600D/T3i which comes with 18-55mm lens, a tripod and a small bag that can hold the camera and one lens. Recommend me accessories guys.
  4. http://www.usa.canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/camcorders/consumer_camcorders
  5. Thank's for your replies guys. A friend of mine suggested I get a camcorder. Since I'll be shooting films most of the time. What do you guys think ?
  6. Guys should I get a T3i, T4i or T5i ? http://snapsort.com/compare/Canon-Rebel-T5i-vs-Canon-T3i http://snapsort.com/compare/Canon-Rebel-T4i-vs-Canon-T3i
  7. List the movies that are inspired by drugs. I mean your favorite movies that talk about drugs or are inspired by drugs. In no order, mine would be: 1- Training day 2- 21 Jump Street 3- Apocalypse now 4- A Clockwork Orange 5- Platoon 6- Robocop 7- Scarface 8- The Trip 9- The Social Network 10- Altered States http://www.popcrunch.com/cartoon-characters-and-the-drugs-they-abuse/ http://www.ranker.com/list/10-most-adorable-cartoon-drug-addicts/analise.dubner http://guyism.com/lifestyle/10-childrens-characters-who-were-definitely-on-drugs.html List yours. PS: No am not a drug addict or a user. I experimented with Hashish though early 2013.
  8. Guys, could you recommend me accessories for the DSLR that am buying please ?
  9. Alright. Thank's Phil. I will save money and get me a DSLR camera with tripod and an external microphone.
  10. The only option I have left is to wait and be patient, save more money then buy a good quality camera with accessories for 1000-2000 USD.
  11. Holy hell those black magic cameras are expensive http://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagiccinemacamera/models My budget is 700 USD. What do you guys recommend ?
  12. Alright thank's guys. I will buy both a Super 8 and a DSLR camera with a tripod. If I have the money to buy a blackmagic camera for cinematography I will buy it too and learn by reading books. Currently am reading filmmaking for dummies which is great for a beginner. What do you guys think ? I will also read screenwriters bible 5th edition later. Since I have no experience in writing stories. Last but not least, I will read screenplays for my favorite movie directors like Stanley Kubrick and Chris Nolan. :D
  13. Hello everyone. This is my first post in this forum and I have a couple of questions that I get answers for. I am a Kuwaiti student at a vocational college in Kuwait majoring in electronics and communications. I have no experience in films or cameras at all. I never ever held a video or photographic camera before but would really like to. Which video camera do you recommend me to buy for a first timer ? Also, there are no good film schools here in Kuwait unfortunately. I plan on experiencing with video camera and shooting short films and gain experience till I finish college, then role in a good American film school.
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