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Michael Coleman

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  1. Hello again, Thanks for the speedy replies, everyone. I'll be getting 2 kinos for a start and see how well they mix with the two softboxes they have here already. And I'll look into a repaint of that room too. Any suggestions on a color? The lighter it is, the warmer the room, right? Thanks again, Mike
  2. Hello all, I just took over the videography position at my company, fresh out of the university mold. Therefore I'm coming here with a lack of experience (heh heh). My predecessor knew less than I did apparently, and it's up to me to re-equip the company with new gear. The two miniDV cams are still in perfect shape, so my question lies with lighting. The recordings go from miniDV to Final Cut Pro, which could handle all color correction needed, but I'd rather not rely on the "fix it in post" mentality. I'd like to have good lighting so I don't HAVE to do it in post. The videos are nothing fancy. Cut and dry "how-to" videos that need nothing inventive and artistic. Their studio room has darkened blinds over the windows which thankfully drown out daylight. Room has about 15' x 18' workable space with an 8' ceiling (standard office panels, no lighting rig) and recordings are normally shot on the 15' wall. Flourescent lights throughout the building (the hum in the wireless mic is rediculous when I turn the room's lights on). They have two large softbox lights already, but on a 15' wall it makes for little room to work if I try to put one in the corner for backlight. The ceiling panels are that off-white and doesn't bounce light off very well and the walls are a blue color much like the frames of this forum. With the full softbox (including the light dampening scrim) the lights can't get close enough to illuminate the talent. Without the scrim there's harsh shadows all over the place. They don't like spending a lot on new gear (they love e-bay around here..... sigh) so can anyone suggest a brand, style, wattage of lights? I was looking at some low watt fresnel lights that I could scrim and barndoor so i actually have a 3-point lighting system again. What about PAR lights? open-faced? They want some soft, bright light without shadows. Any suggestions? Eager to see your responses and thanks in advance, Mike
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