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Ollie Downey

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Everything posted by Ollie Downey

  1. Hi Adrian, the set is still being designed so to a certain degree the ball is in my court. I'm guessing the room will measure approx 20 ft by 20ft and I can position the source the other side of the stage if need be. Still waiting on floor plans but I'm guessing 20ft away from the set windows wouldn't be a problem
  2. Hi guys, I have a commercial coming up, set in a cliff side apartment at night, where the light from a nearby lighthouse intermittently sweeps across the room. It's a studio build, we're shooting on the Alexa and I wondered if anyone had done this, or had any tips on how to achieve it. At present I'm thinking some sort of Xenon fired into a revolving mirror cube. Any help, tips, advice or ideas very very welcome! Thanks in advance Ollie
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