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Jon Taala

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  • My Gear
    Canon DSLR (60D, 7D, 5D MKIII); Canon C100 & C300, Aaton A-Minima, Aaton XTR Prod, Aaton LTR, Arriflex 16s, Arriflex SR II
  1. Today In class, my teacher told me that Rivas splicer was hollywood standard. Is this true? I swear I always heard Guillotine splicer was industry standard. Is this just a preference thing? I'm curious Thanks!
  2. Does anyone have a fresh can they'd be willing to sell me? I will pay for postage. I need some right now for a&b rolling and no other place online is selling right now...
  3. This may be a dumb question, but I'm new to editing physically on film so.... What is the standard length of space between film rewinds? I just bought a pair of moviola rewinds and I want to mount them, but I can't for the life of me find any information online on how far they should be spaced. I read from a source on ebay that the standard spacing is 33 inches apart but I don't know how credible that source was. If anyone knows the standard spacing between rewinds, your help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
  4. I heard from a seller that I usually buy my film cement from online. I don't know who to contact to find out if its really true or not, so i thought I'd go on this forum. I figure there has to be someone out there that knows better thank I do.
  5. I heard from a little birdie that Kodak film cement has recently been discontinued? Does anyone know if this is real and can anyone confirm this? I guess this means the end of negative cutting and cement splicing huh... Unless there is another company that makes film cement that I'm unaware of?
  6. Hi All, I currently want to shoot some 16mm Tri-X for an experimental film I'm making. I'm going to do bucket processing, but I want to bucket process as a negative. I keep reading in onine and in other forums here that if you shoot reversal film and want to process as a negative you need to overexpose a little bit when filming. Since I'm shooting this in daylight and the EI for daylight is 200, I was wondering what I should rate my film at. Should I overexpose by 1 stop or 2 stops etc. or would processing it for longer work also? Thanks for the help!
  7. But since it is a positive stock, it is technically reversal film, so it is suppose to be developed in positive chems right? This whole it can be developed as a positive or negative is a bit confusing for me since im fairly new with b&w negative/reversal films.
  8. Hi All, I just found out about 7363 and watched some test videos on it and it really interests me. I want to try and shoot it and just ordered some from Kodak. It should be here in a week or so. Anywho, I just had a couple questions about this stock. Is this stock short pitch or long pitch? Since this is a Positive stock, does it have to be processed as a positive or a negative? I was planing on bucket processing at home for experimental purposes. Just so I can wrap my head around this stock... When I expose it to light and develop as a positive it will become clear, and when I expose to light and develop as a negative it will become black right? Maybe I'm just overthinking it but I really couldn't find much information about this stock online. Thanks!
  9. I have a crazy idea and I'm just going to throw it out there. What if you process 5363/7363 unexposed? Will that give you a sufficient black leader for negative cutting? Its a really cheap acetate print film stock. I could see this being very cost efficient
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