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Roland Mathias

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Everything posted by Roland Mathias

  1. thanks for the info. I once read that black and white stock is inherently more sharper, due to only using one layer of emulsion. Would you say that the Kodak 7222 while just as grainy as the Orwo, still a little sharper than the Kodak color stock?
  2. I am planning to shoot a black and white short on Super 16 with one or two Arri Ultra Primes. Since I don't want to waste any money I would like to do test with my GH2 and then go in and basically reshoot shot for shot with the Arri 413. So I am looking for a good way to approximate a Ultra 16 T1.3/12 mm (for example) on the GH2 with a cheaper lens, that still would give the same framing and a sort of close DoF performance. It would also be nice to be able to emulate the filmstock response of the ORWO UN 54 stock which is rated at 100 . If I would for example shoot with a 2/3rds lens that has a rating of 1.4, and I would set the Iso also to 100, could I expect a sort of (although surely differnt in quality/highlights etc) rending of the image on the GH2 or is this generally not a good idea? Thanks for your help.
  3. I can't find a lot of good material online shot in Super 16 and with bw film, but I was wondering if currently available 16mm bw film has more sharpness and finer grain then color 16mm film. thanks
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